Chapter 79

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I woke up from the familiar sound of beeping, also seeing that I was in a hospital room. I was also attached to a lot of machines.

I groan quietly as I felt my body ache with pain, seeing that Sam was sitting next to me on a chair. His head was on the bed while he was holding my hand.

I felt weak to even speak so I weakly squeezed his hand, making him to look at me.

"Colby..." he breathed out while standing up to hug me.

I smiled weakly Once he pulled away, he then pressed the call button.

"W-what... h-happen?" I mumbled as my voice rasped and he moved the hair that was in my face.

"You're sick, there is this bad flu that is going around, and you caught it." He said quietly and I frown while closing my eyes.

I was about to say something, but Dr. Hooves came walking in.

"Hey Colby!! You're awake! How are you feeling?!" She asked checking my vitals and such.

"Terrible," I mumbled as she frowned as she set up the ultrasound.

"I can tell." She said quietly and lifted my shirt so she could put the gel on it.

"I'm going to make sure this baby is healthy and isn't affected with this virus." She said as she put the wand on my belly as I nervously chewed my lip.

She focused her eyes on the screen as she moved the wand on my abdomen to see the baby.

"It looks like this baby is still very healthy, that's the good thing." She said as she wiped off the gel on my belly and Sam sigh in relief.

"For safety reasons, you need to stay here for a couple of hours so we can monitor your health and the baby's health." She says as I slowly nodded.

She asked us few more questions until she had to go to do stuff.

"I-I don't like hospitals," I mumbled as he frowns while grabbing my hand, rubbing his thumb gently on it.

I've been to the hospital many times, but I am not used to it, I can still feel anxiety every time I come here.

"I know baby." He said quietly and I closed my eyes as his phone buzzed.

"Corey is going to McDonald's, do you want chicken nuggets?" He asked taking his gaze off of his phone to look at me.

"Not h-hungry," I mumbled, and he sigh.

"You need to eat; you're eating for two." He says kissing my forehead and I sigh.

Thinking of food is making me sick to my stomach, I just didn't feel hungry.

But I also didn't want to make Sam more worried about me.

"Fine, I'll eat," I mumbled as he smiled before texting Corey.

When he got done texting Corey, he smiled softly at me.

"He'll be here soon, anything you want to do?" He asked as I shrugged and put my hand on my belly where the baby was kicking which sent me some warmth, knowing the baby is okay.

"C-Can we cuddle?" I mumbled as he sighs.

"I'm not sure if I can?" He said with a chuckle, and I pouted my lip at him.

"Please..." I begged as he smiled softly at me with a nod.

He somehow got in the bed and pulled me close to him, his hand laying on my belly.

I know I shouldn't force him to cuddle with me, but I wanted to feel safe. I wanted the warmth that I always feel when I'm with him.

I just needed his support.

I closed my eyes as his free hand scratched my head and I felt comfortable.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled as he scrunched his brows.

"Sorry for what baby?" He asks as I bit my lip.

"That this i-is happening. That I'm sick." I mumbled as he shook his head while kissing my forehead.

"Don't apologize for that, I'll do anything for my family. Your health and the baby's health go first." He said sternly and I closed my eyes.

"You're my number one priority, Colby, you are my husband, so I'll do anything for you." He said as my eyes stung with happy tears.

I didn't say anything, knowing whatever that comes out of my mouth with be 'sorry'.

"We need to take out Sorry out of the dictionary." He said with a laugh as I giggle with a smile.

"Theirs that smile that I love." He said as my heart grew, even more, stronger for him.

Something was telling me that I didn't deserve the love I was getting, or I didn't deserve Sam, but I wasn't going to listen to them.

I knew I deserved all of this love.

I smiled as Corey knocked at the door, while he peeked through the door.

"Hey, guess who's here and I've got food." He sang as Sam chuckled while he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Corey," Sam said as he got off me so he could put the bed thing slightly up.

"Hey...Colby, how are you doing bud." Corey asked handing Sam the food and I smiled weakly.

"Feel terrible, but I'm doing fine," I mumbled, and he smiled with a chuckle.

"I can't even imagine; whelp I have to go so call me if you love birds need to be pick up." He says as I laughed while rolling my eyes.

We said our goodbyes and then Sam started to set up our food.

"I can feed myself," I mumbled with a chuckle as he rolled his eyes.

"Okay then. Here." He said handing me a chicken nugget, but I couldn't even lift my arm.

He sniffled a laugh as I glared at him.

"Laugh and I'll kill you," I mumbled as his eyes winded.

"Sorry, I'll feed you." He says dipping the chicken nugget in ranch and fed me it.

I slowly chewed the food as I closed my eyes, I already felt sick to my stomach.

He kept feeding me the food until I was full, then he started eating his.

When he got done eating his food, he turned on the TV and put on a random movie. Halfway through the movie, I was feeling nauseous.

I looked at Sam while covering my mouth and he looked at me with wide eyes before hurrying to get the trash can.

Once he got it, I started to throw up in it as he rubbed my back comfortably.

"Let it all out, baby." Sam cooed as I continued to throw up.

Once I was done throwing up, he put away the trash can and wiped my mouth with a napkin.

"You okay baby." He asked as he continues to rub my back as I closed my eyes.

"Hmh." I hummed as he grabbed a water bottle and brought it to my lips.

I drank some sips from the water, and he put it back down Once I was done drinking.

"I feel worse," I mumbled as he frowns with sad eyes like he was hurting seeing me in pain.

"I know baby, how about get some rest?" He asked grabbing a blanket and I hummed.

"I love you," I mumbled as he put a blanket over me, and he smiled before leaning down to kiss me.

"I'll get you sick," I mumbled as he chuckled rolling his eyes before kissing me.

I smiled softly once he pulled away.

"I love you too, now get some rest." He said and I nodded while closing my eyes as I finally drifted off to sleep.

He was the best husband in the world.

A/N: took a while to write this but oh well, finally updated🤓


Words: 1294 😳

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