Chapter 43

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It's been few days since Emma has been sick, she's was better the next day but today she's sicker.

We took her to the doctor yesterday to make sure everything was alright with her.

She just had the flu.

Some baby's when they're both they do get sick when they're few weeks old or a week after their born which unfortunately Emma is the unlucky one.

"C'mon honey, you need to eat," I begged as I tried to bottle feed, Emma.

She wouldn't eat which was worrying me.

"Sam! She won't eat!" I called out as she still wouldn't latch on the bottle, Sam came running into the room with a frown.

"Come here, princess." He cooed and I handed Emma to him.

I bit my lip as he brought the bottle to her mouth, causing her to open it and started drinking on it. I sign in relief, Walking over to them.

"I guess she likes you more?" I said with a sigh as he shook his head.

"She loves you very much, baby." He says and kissed my forehead as Bambi came into the nursery.

Bambi loves Emma, I already knew Bambi was going to protect her.

"You can go get the thermometer so we can check her fever." He says as I nodded before leaving to get the thermometer.

When I came back, Sam already fed her so I checked her temperature. I sigh in relief as it read 98.1.

"Her fever is gone," I said with a small smile as he handed me her.

"That's good, see she's getting better," Sam said and kissed me on my forehead.

I nodded and looked down at Emma as she looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes.

I'm hoping when she grows older her eyes stay that color.

We headed downstairs to watch TV, I was holding Emma in my arms as we watch some show.

"I still can't believe I've gotten so lucky," Sam whispers breaking the silence and I looked at him with a smile.

"Why do you say that?" I asked with a small giggle and he chuckled.

"We've got Emma, Bambi and I got the amazing husband in the whole wide World." He whispered as I looked down at the sleepy baby with a smile.

"I tell myself that every single day," I whispered as he kissed me on the lips.

I've gotten so lucky.

"You want me to put her to bed?" He whispered after a while as Emma still slept in my arms, I nodded as he grabbed her gently so he could not wake her up.

He then left, leaving me alone. It felt weird to be a parent at this age. Even at this age, both in our 20s. Both still getting the hang of it.

Sam then came back plopping on the couch pulling me into him, causing me to giggle slightly. I nuzzled my head in his chest as he kissed my forehead.

"Wait! When is Christmas?" I asked looking at him as he grabbed his phone to check when.

" Monday." He says setting his phone down as I gasp slightly.

"We haven't gotten Emma gifts or for each other?" I said with a pout and he chuckled.

"We can go shopping tomorrow, someone can watch Emma." He said as I sigh with a nod.

"I want Christmas to be perfect for Emma," I said as he smiled softly at me.

"Me too, it's going to be perfect." He says as I nuzzled my forehead in his chest again.

I wondered something since Married couples do fight. Will Sam and I will fight? Will we ever disagree with each other?

Will we....ever divorce?

I know we will never but that thought always swims around my head, like if I keep telling myself that, it will happen?

But I'm happy now, I'll never trade my amazing family for anything.

A/n: hope you guys like this, probably the only one today? Not feeling motivated to write at the moment so bare with me!❤️

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