Chapter 112

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Sam's POV

Everything seems like it was going smoothly with this game.

My mind seemed blank when we got onto the 5th floor. I remember seeing the young girl with black coming with us.

The last thing I now remember was that Colby and I were heading down the first floor, we weren't looking at the girl.

When the elevator door opens, revealing the main lobby. I quickly went off the elevator-with Colby-not even looking behind me since that was the rule.

But it felt like something was missing.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized that Colby wasn't even with me.

"C-Colby?!?" I called out looking behind me as I felt my heart beating out of my chest.

He wasn't with me.

"Colby!!!" I yelled but with more fear in my voice.

I swear he was behind me.

"COLBY!!" I yelled again as I started jogging through the hotel to look for him.

I got stopped by running into someone causing me to almost fall on top of them.

"Woah Sam? What's wrong?!" Jake asked frantically as I frustratedly run my hand through my hair.

"I-It's Colby, w-we did t-the game b-but when I got out of the elevator, I-I realized he wasn't with me!" I said as tears brimmed my eyes and anxiously pacing back and forth.

"Oh, my god-please tell me that you're lying," Corey said as he let out a shaky breath.

"Why would I lie about this, I F*CKING KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!!" I yelled causing them all to jump at my sudden outburst.

I groaned before turning away from them and went to walk but Jake stopped me.

"Sam, where are you going?" Jake asked as I pulled him away from me.

"Finding Colby," I mumbled and went to walk away but again, Jake stopped me again.

"Sam... not alone." He said as I nodded before turning away, with them walking with me.

We went to the elevator and went to the fifth floor.

Hoping that he is on this floor.

"COLBY!!" We all yelled again.

I grabbed my phone and went to his contacts and called him.

"Cmon baby. Please answer," I mumbled as the phone started to ring.

"Sh*t." I hissed after a while the phone declined.

"He didn't answer," I mumbled as I texted him.

"Do you think he would do that on purpose?" Jake said as chase looked at him.

"Bro the f*ck? Does this sound like
Colby to you?!" Chase said as Jake sigh shaking his head.

"Well no..." he said as I clenched my jaw as I forced the tears to not spill out.

"Let's keep looking," I mumbled before turning to the elevator.

I wasn't giving up.

"Has Colby Answer your texts yet?" Chase asked once we got into the elevator.

"No." I sighed as I looked at my phone.

"All I remember is him and I got off the elevator," I mumbled as I went to think of everything.

I remember him being with me...


When we went on the 5th floor and the lady came, I hold him In front of me.

When I went on the first floor, he wasn't in front of me.

"Doesn't make any sense," I said as they looked at me confusingly.

"I thought I remember him getting off with me," I said and frustratedly run my hand through my hair.

"Wait?! Didn't you record this right?" Jake said as I gasp and nodded.

I forgot that I was recording.

I handed Jake the camera and we looked over at the footage as we got out of the elevator.

"What the f*ck," Jake said as the footage stopped at the part where the lady came in.

It didn't record the part when we went to the first floor.

"I... I swear I was recording." I said as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Colby!!!" I yelled again and looked around.

He was nowhere to be seen.

We kept calling his name until we were in a dark hallway.

"SAM!" I heard Colby yell causing my heart to drop to my a*s.

"COLBY?!!!!" I yelled and went towards where I heard his voice was coming from, but someone stopped.

"Sam! We can't! It's a trap!" Chase said as he tightens his grip on me as I tried to move away from him and hearing Colby screaming my name.

"N-NO! HE NEEDS O-OUR HELP!!" I screamed as he shook his head.

"Sam listens to me, that doesn't sound like Colby." He said as I stopped thrashing around.

He was right, it does sound like him but not as much.

"You're right," I said as he pulled me away.

"We just have to keep looking," I said with a sniffle before letting out a shaky breath.

I've never been this scared before.

My mind kept drifting away to Colby as we kept looking for him.

We didn't know where he is which made me more scared.

He could be trapped somewhere.

He could be scared.

He could be in danger.

And I couldn't help him.

We looked everywhere at the hotel, even at all the floors. He didn't know where to be seen.

He could be gone forever.

"We should...should try to look for him tomorrow-." Jake gets caught off by a so familiar scream.

It was Colby's.

It sounded like he was in danger.

A/N: Tehe, Another cliffhanger😏


Paralyzed // Solby (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora