Chapter 12

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I nuzzled my head into Sam's neck as he chuckled, I smiled as I remembered the event's that happen last night.

"Baby we have to go to school." He says as I groan and hid my head in his chest more.

"No." I groan as he laughed.

"C'mon, I'm not taking a no for an answer." He said as I pouted my lip, but agree anyways. I wince as a pain shoot through my back as Sam helps me sit up on the bed.

"Did I did too good?" He said with a laugh as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah," I grumbled and put on my shirt.

I got dress and went to brush my teeth, I looked into the mirror, I felt very happy but something felt off.

I decided to shake this off and started to brush my teeth.

When I got done I wash my mouth as Sam came in all dress smiling at me.

"Everything alright?" He asked and put his hands on my shoulders, so he could gently rub them.

"Yeah." I smiled and he pecks me on the lips.

I decided not to tell Sam, that something felt off.

"At School" at lunch 😀

"So Sam, didn't cheat?" Elton asked with his eyebrows raised and looking at Sam.

"Nope, Brennen was lying," I said with a small smile as Sam wrapped his arms around me.

"That mother f*cker." Elton cursed.

"I want to kill him.." Sam grumbled with anger coating into his voice making me tense up a little bit.

"Sorry." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

"So I can see you two made up?" Jake asked as he looked at me, my eyes went wide as I just realized what he meant.

He sees my hickeys.

I hit Sam in the shoulder as he laughed.

"What did I do?" He asked, I just gestured to the hickeys and he sniffled a laugh.

I rolled my eyes and punched him the arm playfully.

As we were all eating, I realized I haven't seen Brennan all day, did he drop out of school?

Well if he did, good for me.

As I was eating, I felt very nauseous. Strange? I don't feel sick?

I shrug this feeling off and stopped eating, so if I'm sick I won't throw up my food.

"You okay?" Sam asked noticing I stopped eating.

I hummed and gave him a small smile.

"After School"

Sam and I laid with each other on my bed, I didn't felt like doing anything so I was probably getting sick.

"Everything alright baby?" Sam asked as the nauseous started to hit more.

I hummed in response, not wanting to talk.

"You don't look too good baby? You look like, your gonna throw up?" He asked and I covered my mouth as he cursed and picked me and ran to the bathroom.

He put me on the ground as I started to throw up in the toilet.

"It's alright let it all out." He cooed and rubbed my back as I continued to throw up.

When I got done throwing up, I leaned away from the toilet seat but stay on the ground. Still feeling nauseous.

"You okay baby?" He asked as I nodded slowly and felt more nauseous and lean to the toilet, I gag and started throwing up again.

He rubbed my back more. After a while I got done throwing up, Sam pulled me into him and I softly cried feeling my body hurting.

He put his hand on my forehead to see if I was warm, but he scrunches up his eyebrows.

"You don't have a fever? Probably a stomach bug?" He said and flushes the toilet, walking out the bathroom while carrying me. He laid us down so I was cuddling him. I nuzzled my head in my chest as I suddenly felt tired.

We stayed in silence for a while, but I was thinking.

Do I have to be sick? But out of nowhere?

I'm just sick? What could go wrong?

A/n:  happy Thanksgiving for those that celebrate it! Hope you guys like this!

(Edited/spoilers: Colby ain't pregnant yet in this chapter, he's just sick. I just realized that it was too soon for him to get the pregnancies symptoms)

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