Chapter 31: Smitten

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Sebastian was all Tara could think about at night, the way he talked and demanded her and others around really turned her on.

She felt the heat rising up in the pit of her stomach when he looked at her with those piercing dark eyes

She even felt tempted to go up to him and flirt, but she was never the best flirter and with her being new she didn't want to be known as the girl that was hitting on her new boss or the one that everyone hates, the kiss ass.

However she couldn't let her tiny crush for her new boss get in the way of what's really important, and that's getting the rest of the money up since today is the fifteenth and she only has seven hundred and fifty dollars.

She was sweating bullets when she saw him walk in and sat at the far end table. Most of the girls went over and put their money on the table

The place was dark and he wasn't paying anyone any attention as he sat drinking a beer and looked at his phone while the other men were enjoying themselves with the strippers

The hours rolled on as she thought maybe she could avoid paying if she stayed low-key since the place is packed and he wouldn't know if she paid or not, but how wrong she was

As she was hiding out in the shadows after making fifty dollars one of the guards came up behind her, "Don't forget to pay the boss."

"But I don't have all the money yet." She said as he started grinning

"You should take that up with him, and it was nice knowing you."

She figured she might as well get it over with since she's been spotted and there's no use in hiding anymore.

Her heart was racing as she stood behind two other girls who had put their money on the table and walked off as Sebastian was looking down at his phone

It was her turn as she stepped up to the table while gripping the eight hundred dollars in her hand.

Without looking up, Sebastian tapped the table with his finger to let her know to put the money down. She nervously set the money down as he glanced at it and put his phone down on the table

"What's this?"

"I can explain."

"I'm sure you can, I need to talk to you in private." He said standing up as her heart dropped and she knew this was the end for her

She followed him to the back as everything was closing in on her and she was praying for a miracle while she walked in the room and closed the door behind her

"Explain yourself." He said sitting on the edge of his desk as she nervously fiddled with her fingers

"I was trying to get all the money I swear, but no one wanted to get with me. I even offered to lower the price but some still said no."

"How much did you make?"

"Eight hundred." She nervously cringed as he snickered

"Eight hundred in one month? That's pretty sad."

"I'll do all I can to get it."

"And by the time you do it'll be time to pay again. Tell you what I'm gonna do, I'll let you go because obviously you're costing me more than what I'm willing to pay, so out of the kindness of my heart you may leave."

"But I didn't get your money." She said as he chuckled

"What's seven hundred dollars to me anyway, I'll even give you the eight hundred back since you worked so hard for it." He said going in his pocket and pulled out a wad of money and counted eight hundred and gave it to her

"Why are you being nice to me? Everyone says you're not very nice." She said as he shrugged

"I'm nice when I wanna be, I do lots of nice things that people don't know about, and it's no one's business; plus it's better for me to be an evil prick, I don't have to worry about pesky people bothering me all the time."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, take care of your daughter she needs you." He said as she was about to hug him as he gave her a look and she remembered and instead put her hand out

"If I shake your hand will you leave?" He asked with his arms folded as she nodded yes

"I wanna thank you properly." She said as he stuck his hand out and shook her hand

"There, you've thanked me."

"I won't forget what you've done,"

It's a week later as Tara was standing in front of Sebastian's house. She found out where he lived by getting one of the security guards drunk and giving them head and while they were passed out she started snooping around.

She thought to blend in as she dressed like a jogger and scope out the best way to get inside. The undeniable connection between the two is there as all she wants to do is get a chance to show him

She heard a door close as she walked out of the front of the house and sat on the curb like she was tying her shoes

"Daddy when I get bigger I'm gonna be an astronaut so I can go to Mars."

"Oh really? Can I come with you?" Sebastian said and hearing his voice made her heart spike as she heard footsteps walking down the driveway

"I'll have to get a big spaceship for us to fit."

"Well I'm patient I can wait." He said as he and Evan stepped out on the sidewalk with Coco and Meadow
"Wait bud you're shoe's untied." Sebastian bent down to tie Evan's shoe as Tara wanted to run over and hug them both

No wonder he was so nice to me, he has a kid and he's adorable, she thought. Now she really had a drive to get closer to him to show more of his nicer side

"Thanks dad." Evan said as Sebastian kissed his forehead and stood up

"You're very welcome, you ready to walk the dogs?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright let's go and when we get back we'll watch Batman."

"Can I be Batman for Halloween?"

"Sure, and I'll be Robin." He said as the two walked off in the opposite direction.

Tara got up and went the other way keeping her head down. I will find a way inside and then we'll be together, she thought.

Will this deranged woman be able to get inside of Sebastian's house?

What will be Sebastian's reaction to all of this once he finds out

Let me know what you think

I appreciate y'all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

I thank you all as always and until next time be breezy,

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