Chapter 72: My Son

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"I want to go look at shoes now." Amelia said to Evan as he sighed

"We just left a store with shoes in it."

"Yeah but I didn't go in that store for shoes, I wanted an outfit, I just so happened to go look at their shoes."

"Fine, what's the next store?"

"It's next to Victoria's Secret, by the way-"

"Yeah yeah, I'm not going in there with you, when you're ready just take my card and get what you want."

"What's the big deal Evan? It's just underwear."

"True but you're my little sister and I don't need to know what kind of underwear you have or any of that stuff, I trust that you'll be fine by yourself in there, however I will go with you to the shoe store, I have a few pairs in mind for myself." He said leading the way towards the store and immediately Amelia went towards the sandals

"I want a pair of these in black and pink."

"And who said you could get two pair?"

"You said you would take me shopping and I want two pairs of shoes."

"It's the same shoe but in a different color, you don't need two right now."

"You're gonna get two pairs of shoes and maybe even more than that."

"Two different pairs of shoes and it's for me, big difference." He said as she scoffed and folded her arms

"It's the same thing if you ask me, you said you would take me shopping and get me whatever I wanted and I want two pairs of shoes one in black and the other pink."

"Fine, what else you want?" He asked as she smiled and picked up another sandal

"I think these are cute, I wanna try it on."

"Alright I'll be right back." He said walking off as she was looking at the rest of the sandals, meanwhile she noticed these two girls not far from her looking in her direction

She figured they too were looking at the shoes that were next to her and just brushed it off.

Once Evan returned he had a handful of shoe boxes as he sat them down next to the seat. "I got you the sandals you picked out and I even got myself a pair of shoes to try." He said sitting down next to her

While Amelia was trying on the sandals she noticed the two girls came closer and was standing in Evan's direction, she immediately caught on as she smiled and began to grin

"What?" Evan asked as he was taking his shoe off

"Stanno cercando di attirare la tua attenzione." She said
(They're trying to get your attention.)

"Di 'loro di continuare a provare, altrimenti non mi interessa." He said as he put the shoes on and stood up to see if he liked them
(Tell them to keep trying, otherwise I'm not interested.)

"Those are cute." Amelia said as he chuckled

"Just cute?"

"You know what I mean they look nice on you, but you know anything I like is cute."

"Alright I'll get them, only because you said they were cute, had it been anyone else I wouldn't." He said as his phone started ringing and he dug into pocket, looked at the screen and heavily sighed as he answered it


"Hello to you too, dickhead." Landon said

"What do you want? I'm busy."

"Oh am I interrupting something with you and your girlfriend?"

"You know I told you I was taking Amelia shopping today, so why are you calling me?"

"Well Loki had gotten out and it ate the neighbor's dog." Landon said as Evan giggled and sat down next to Amelia

"No shit? I taught my son well, that rat bastard was getting on my nerves for months."

"I think we're all happy around here except for Charley, he's pretty pissed about it."

"Where's Loki now?"

"Still outside, we don't want to mess with him until you get back."

"As long as he doesn't crawl underneath anything heavy or go by the pool he should be fine until I get home."

"Ok, I'll see you later."

"Alright later." Evan said as he hung up the phone

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, Landon just called and said Loki ate Charley's dog."

"Really? Well good for Loki that little annoying pest was getting on my last nerve and I'm sure mom is most pleased."

"No kidding, but anyway you like the shoes?"

"Oh yes! I definitely want all three of them."

Later on the two returned home as Evan carried numerous bags inside the house meanwhile Amelia only had one.

He set all of her stuff down on the sofa as Amelia went behind him for a hug. "Thank you."

"No problem, you know I'll do anything to make you happy. Now time to go check on my son." He said as he went out the back door to see Trinity standing behind Sebastian as they were trying to find a way to get Loki from underneath the grill

"Oh good Evan's back." Landon said as he saw Evan walking over and he put down the pool stick

Trinity happily turns around and gave Evan a kiss on the cheek. "This is one time I'm happy Loki got lose and ate that damn thing, it's been tearing up my garden for far too long, well now I don't have to worry about that anymore."

"I knew he would be ready for a meal soon but I guess he couldn't wait. I let him roam around in my room until I came back and I realized I left my window open." He said as he went over towards the grill
"How long ago did he eat?"

"About two hours, he was just lounging in the sun for the longest and then he started crawling away and I tried my best to stop him." Landon said

"Come on, let's go back to your room now, I know you're tired." Evan said as he slowly dragged Loki from underneath the grill
"Landon could you grab his head for me."

"You're not gonna trick me into having him bite me."

"He's not gonna bite he's full, I don't want to upset him so just grab the head to keep him calm." Landon shakily held Loki's head as he began to slowly wrap around his hand and make his way up his arm

"Stop worrying, he can feel it."

"Dad come help." Landon said

"No thanks I believe you two got it."

"I'll do it." Amelia said as she stood next to Landon and held Loki's head as Evan slowly got the rest of Loki's body

"Thanks Amelia, I don't know what I would do without you." Landon heavily sighed

"No problem you big baby." She grinned

If you were Charley and your dog gets eaten by the neighbors pet snake are you asking them to buy you another dog? I wanna know.

I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter and let me know what you think so far

Until next time you all be breezy,

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