Chapter 30: Generous Man

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~Sebastian's POV~

I'm feeling absolutely great today. I'm back home with my boys, and sexy hot wife who's currently pregnant, business is good and nothing at all can ruin my mood

I prop my feet up on my desk as I lay back in my comfy leather chair, smoking a cigar while I count my money that I haven't collected on in a month.

"Hey boss, we got some triviale trying to break into the safe." Marco, one of my guards say to me as I motion for him to bring her in

"Get in here." He said slinging some girl on the floor as he walked in the room and locked the door.

"Come here." I said as she nervously looked over at me and froze as I stopped counting money and looked her in the eyes
"Today." I said as she shakily got up and stood in front of my desk

"Come around over here." I said as she came around to the side of me so I can get a better look at her.

" I said as she came around to the side of me so I can get a better look at her

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(BTW, her name is Tara for future reference)

I took my feet down from the desk and laid my cigar down in the ashtray, "Why are you trying to steal from me?" I asked as she nervously started stuttering

"I'm sorry, I, I promise I won't do it again if you just let me go."

"If I let you go, then you might come back and will want to try again."

"No sir not at all,"

"Do I know you?" I asked as I don't remember ever seeing her face around here


"Oh, so you're just some rat off the street." I said as Marco got the pistol from his side and loaded it up

"Please sir don't kill me, I was only trying to get money for my daughter." She said getting down on her knees in front of me

"I'm sure you thought that would evoke some sympathy from me but it doesn't, I don't take too kindly to thieves and I've heard that same thing told to me a million times, it gets old after awhile."

"Please sir you have to believe me, I'll do anything for you, please I just wanna take care of my daughter." She said scooting closer to me as I held my hand up to stop her

"I don't take favors from rats, so you can save your blowjob. Where's your daughter now?"

"In school."

"How old is she?"


"What's her name?"


"Where are you staying?"

"Whatever cheap hotel we can find, right now we're at the one two blocks from here." She said as I stood up and got the last draw from my cigar

"Get up." I said as she slowly stood up
"What can you do?"

"What do you mean?" She asked as I grinned

"What are you good at, sucking, fucking, what?"

"I can do either of those."

"Really? Hey Big man, la vuoi scopare?" I said to Simon as he sat in the chair
(would you fuck her?)

"No, è troppo magra, ma potrei lasciarla succhiare."
(No, she's too skinny but I may let her suck me off.)

"Non conosco nessuno che vorrebbe pagare per dormire con lei, ma sono sicuro di poter fare qualcosa con lei."  I said walking around looking at her as she nervously shook
(I don't know anyone who'd pay to sleep with her, but I'm sure I can make something off of her.)

"Ok here's the deal, you can face the consequences of trying to steal from me or you can work for me until I've forgiven you and you'll have enough to take care of your daughter, so what's it gonna be?"

"I'll work for you."

"Wise choice, you're lucky I'm in a good mood today." I said as she threw her arms around me and began hugging me

"Thank you so much sir, I really appreciate it." She said as she let me go

"Rule one, don't ever touch me unless given a direct order."

"Oh, sorry sir."

"Again, be grateful I'm in a good mood, follow me." I said as Marco unlocked the door and I stepped out into the hallway with her following behind
"This room is the bathroom, next to that is the locker room and across the hall is a washer and dryer, the detergent is free. Down this hall is the sex room, next over is the snow room."

"What's that?"

"Cocaine, you do know what that is don't you?"

"Oh yes, but I've never done it before." She said as I scoffed

"You could've fooled me. Anyway, next hall over is the VIP room. You set your price at whatever you think you're worthy of, and if a customer is refusing to pay after a service then you get one of my guards and they'll handle it, or tell me directly."

"Any questions so far?"


"Every month all the girls pay me two thousand but since you're new, you'll only pay fifteen hundred."

"How am I supposed to pay that every month?"

"Suck some dick, sell your pussy or your organs, I don't fucking care how you get it, I just better have it come the fifteenth of every month and I can promise you that you won't like me so much when I don't get my money."

"Yes sir."

"Good, now come on I'll let you meet some of the girls."

How do you think Tara will pan out and also dealing with Sebastian.

Let me know what you think

I appreciate y'all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

I'm sorry it's a little shorter than usual, I'll do better😊

Until the next update be breezy,

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