Chapter 22: It's a Boy

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It's been about a month and a half since Trinity gave birth to her newest baby boy, Evan Giovanni Morreti.

Lucas and Mason have been really helpful with changing diapers and giving him food as they enjoy having a baby brother to care for

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Lucas and Mason have been really helpful with changing diapers and giving him food as they enjoy having a baby brother to care for.

"When will he start walking?" Mason asked Trinity as the two watched over Evan in his crib

"Maybe a year, who really knows. It all depends on when he's ready to stand up on his own."

"By then we'll be four, that'll take a long time." Lucas said

"It's going to take some time but it'll be all worth it, you two went through the same thing so nothing different."

"Yeah but that was a long time ago." Mason said as Trinity grinned

"I guess it was, aren't you two glad those days are over with." She said as Sebastian walked in the room and he stood by the crib looking down at Evan

"Look at my handsome baby boy." He said as Evan smiled at him and Sebastian reaches down to pick him up

"No put him back, I'm trying to get him to go to sleep."

"I've been gone all day, at least just let me hold him for awhile."

"Alright, but when he starts crying it's your responsibility."

"You hear mommy, she's a real piece of work, you'll know what I'm talking about once you get older." He said to Evan

"And you too will also find out what a piece of work your father is, he'll really make you scratch your head."

"I was thinking, today is such a beautiful day, why don't we go out and have some fun."

"Evan's not ready to be out in public yet, and neither am I."

"We don't have to go anywhere crowded, we can walk to the neighborhood park and let the kids run around."

"Oh please mommy can we go? Please?" The twins asked her at the same time

"Alright we'll go, but we won't stay long, Evan needs to get his nap."

"Ok." The twins said running off to their room and Sebastian went to go put Evan in his carrier while covering him with a blanket

"Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?" She asked him

"I'm always nice."

"Really? You've never wanted to go out after a long night of work."

"I'm a family man now, so that means I have to do family stuff." He said picking up the carrier

"Will you also be attending future PTO meetings at the school?"

"Now you're mocking me."

"No, I'm asking a legitimate question."

"If it's brought to my attention that I need to go then I will, and anything else the kids need from me, I'll do my best to be there. Does that answer your question?"

"It did." She answered as he smiled

"You're lucky I'm a nice guy. Boys! Are you ready to go?" He asked as the two came out of their room

"We're ready." Lucas said with a big smile as they went downstairs to leave the house

It was about a five minute walk to the park as the twins struck out heading for the slide. "You two stay where we can see you." Sebastian said as he and Trinity sat on the bench and put the carrier in between the two of them

"You look nice with your hair in the cute braids, you should wear it like that more often."

"Thanks, I was debating on cutting my hair off." She said as he scoffed

"Now why would you want to do some crazy shit like that for?"

"I want something different." She shrugged

"Isn't that what the weaves are for, or is it hair extensions? I don't know, one of those things that you put on, or glue it to your head and it stays and you take it off, whatever that is, put it on instead of cutting your hair off."

"Either you're talking about a weave or a wig."

"So I'm on the right track, either one is fine just don't cut your hair it's too beautiful."

"I appreciate the encouragement," She said with a chuckle as he reached over for her hand and kissed her ring finger

"Not a problem, it's the least I could do for my lady."

"So, how was your day?" She asked as he looked at her

"Are you genuinely interested?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't ask."

"Stressful, I felt like punching a hole in the wall and wanting to throw Richard's accountant out the fucking window."

"I think you should consider seeing a therapist." She said as he rolled his eyes

"For what?"

"You have anger issues and you need a good outlet to release your anger."

"I do have an outlet."

"And what is it?"

"I come home, I drink a few beers, smoke a cigar, shoot my guns, eat a sandwich and if I'm still not better then I'll bend you over and fuck you."

"That's not healthy."

"Fucking is healthy, plus I feel much better afterwards."

"I still think you should see someone."

"I don't need to see anyone because I have you, you're my therapist, I trust you and I can tell you anything." He said leaning over and kissing her cheek
"Matter fact I have something important to tell you now."

"Ok what is it?"

"I gotta take a shit." He said standing up as she shook her head


"Yes, and it's gonna be awhile. Come on boys let's go."

They went back to the house as Evan was already asleep, so Trinity put him in his crib.

"Mom, will you watch Avengers with us?" Lucas asked as they both grabbed Trinity by the hand as she was coming out of Evan's room

"Sure." She said as they dragged her downstairs to the living room and cuddled up with her on the couch

"You think we should wait on dad?" Mason asked

"Dad's gonna be awhile so we'll start without him this time."

Halloween season is approaching, time to break out my Michael Myers mask🥳

I hope you've enjoyed the double upload, the next update will be a double as well since they're both short chapters

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I hope you've enjoyed the double upload, the next update will be a double as well since they're both short chapters.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update.
Be breezy,

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