Chapter 32: Not The Same

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"So how are the twins liking school so far?" Nicole asked as the three of them were at the kitchen table playing cards

"They love it which I'm glad about. I've been looking at different schools in the area and this school has a pre-k and once I showed them the school, they immediately fell in love with it."

"That's nice, wait until they actually start going to real school and see how much they like it then." Marlena said

"No kidding, they'll probably beg to go back to pre-k."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I gotta clean you ladies out." Nicole said putting her cards down on the table

Marlena threw hers down and Trinity scoffed, "That's the third time you've done this, I swear you must be cheating." Marlena said

"I don't cheat to win, but maybe you should start."

"She's obviously doing something sneaky, she's never been this good." Trinity said as Nicole chuckled

"You too huh? Neither of you can believe that I can beat y'all three games in a row."

"No." Marlena and Trinity said

"Well believe it and I'll beat you some more." Nicole said as the front door opened

"Trinity!" Adrianna called out

"I'm in here." She said as Adrianna walked in the kitchen

"Nice seeing you two lovely ladies again."

"Hey Adrianna." Nicole said as Adrianna glances down at Marlena's stomach

"Woah wait a minute, do my eyes deceive me? Please tell me you ate too much." She said as Marlena laughed

"You're seeing right."

"How did this happen?"

"We finally found someone to help us out."

"I wanna hear it all, how'd you meet him?" She asked while sitting down at the table

"Nicole and I went out to this gay bar one night and the guy was sitting at the bar. We talked to him for awhile and then he told us he had a thing for lesbians. You can tell this guy was one of those piss boys."

"What's a piss boy?"

"The kind of guy that let's his girl walk all over him and he doesn't do anything about it, she could kick him in the dick all day and he won't say nothing about it because deep down he likes that shit,
anyway he's one of those people and at first I was a little iffy but then I realized he won't say shit, all I need him to do is fuck me for a good minute and then his job is over, but before any of that took place we did give him a background check and this guy has a doctorate degree in architecture and went to Stanford, so hopefully the baby will come out smart."

"Maybe you should've let Nicole get pregnant instead." Trinity said

"I thought about it, but let's be a little honest here, I can't have my wife walking around looking like Ms. Trenchball from Matilda." Marlena said as Adrianna snickered

"Well shit." Trinity said trying her best not to laugh

"And if anybody can pull off the Mama Klump look, it's definitely you, darling." Nicole retorted with a smile

"Well I think I should apologize for even bringing this up, I don't wanna see you two go at it like this." Adrianna said

"No need to apologize Adrianna, we go at each other like this all the time." Nicole said

"Yeah and especially Trin and I, it's our friendly way of keeping each other on our toes, and speaking of toes, when am I gonna get those shoes you promised me you'd let me borrow."

"I'll give them to you before you leave."

"Thank you, it's about time."

"And you better not stretch them out either, feet swelling up looking like a baked potato."

"And they still look better than your feet, ma'am."

"Babe, if you wanna go to the bathroom, give it a few minutes before you go in there." Sebastian said climbing into bed

"Have I ever told you that you're a wonderful husband?" Trinity said

"Uh, a few times."

"Well, you're very wonderful and you mean the absolute world to me, and I wouldn't want to be with anyone else but you." She said as he smiled

"You know you don't have to butter me up to ask for money." He said kissing her temple and leaned over on the nightstand for his wallet
"How much you want?"

"I don't want any money."

"Then what is it that you want?"

"A favor." She said as he put his arm around her shoulder

"What kind of favor?"

"I need you to watch the boys this weekend while I go to Palm Beach."

"And why are you going there?"

"Adrianna and I wanna meet the father of Marlena's baby, so we're going to Palm Beach with them."

"When are you coming back?"

"Sunday night, we leave Friday." She said as he sighed

"I guess, and this time your ass better be in Palm Beach."

"I promise, we're even staying at an Airbnb he rented for us, so no biggie."

"I hate when I don't have you next to me at night." He said scooting her closer and kissing her

"I know baby, but I'll make it up to you."

"Maybe you can start right now." He said slipping his hand under her shirt to squeeze her tits as someone's knocking on the door

"Come in." He said taking his hand out of her shirt as Evan walked in
"What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep."

"Climb up." He said as Evan happily climbed into bed and squeezed his way between the two
"Why can't you sleep?"

"I don't know, I can't stay sleep."

"Maybe if we watch a little Avengers then maybe you'll be able to sleep." Trinity said grabbing the remote

"I think that'll help." Evan smiled while getting cozy under the covers as he held Sebastian and Trinity's hand.
"Why are you two not the same color?"

"What?" Sebastian asked

"You and mommy are different, why?"

"Because we like being different, plus if mommy looked like me she wouldn't be so beautiful."

"Don't tell him that."

"It's the truth, I'm not saying other women are ugly but you are strikingly beautiful babe. I love your vibrant skin color and the way you glow in the sunlight, or any light.
Mommy is different from me because I thought she was very pretty and I wanted to have her at any cost."

"What about you, mommy. Do you like the way daddy looks?"

"Of course, he's very handsome and he has the greatest smile I've ever seen in my life, I knew I always wanted him to be mine."

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