Chapter 35: Lakehouse

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"Alright babe, what do you think?"

"I love it, it's beautiful." She smiled
"And the boat looks nice too."

"Ooh dad, can we go get on the boat?" Lucas asked as the three crowded around him

"Yeah go ahead."

"Yay!" They said as they ran off to go get on the boat

"I'm glad you like it, come on, let me show you around." He said grabbing her hand as he lead her onto the boat

"Wow, I've never been on a boat before."

"Why don't we go for a little ride." He said as she sat down on the bench
"Would you boys like to drive?"

"Yes!" They all said happily and ran over to Sebastian

"Alright, you'll take turns. Evan since you're the youngest you can go first." He said as Evan quickly climbed up in Sebastian's lap
"Hold on to the wheel like this and turn it slowly."

After the three had their turn of driving the boat, they went around to the side to see if they could see any fish or turtles as Sebastian had given them a net to catch.

"How does lasagna sound for tonight?" Sebastian asked Trinity as he reached in the mini-fridge for a beer and sat down next to Trinity

"Sounds good to me."

"I'll get some mixed vegetables to go with it and I can't forget about your salad that you adore so much." He chuckled as he opened his beer

"Babe, what happened to your hand?" She asked as she grabbed it and noticed his knuckles were bruised

"I had a little accident last night but it's nothing to worry about."

"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked as he took a swig of beer

"I'm sure, now stop worrying, the bruising will go away in a few days plus it doesn't even hurt." He said putting his arm around her, pulling her close as he kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm

"You know, you still haven't said anything else about that whack job that broke into our house."

"I wouldn't worry about that anymore."

"Why not? What if she comes back?"

"I have a feeling she won't be back." He said as she looked up at him and sat up a bit


She shook her head, "Nothing,"

"I know that was an uncomfortable moment for you and you have every right to be upset but all that's handled and you don't have to worry about anyone else breaking into our home again." He said lightly stroking her hand as she glances down at his bruised knuckles

By now she can decipher what he's saying without having to go into detail. She's known him long enough to know what he's capable of and how far he'll go and she wasn't about to press the issue with him further

"Well if there's nothing to worry about anymore, then I'll just leave it alone." She said as she leaned her head on his chest and he puts his arm around her

"The lasagna should be ready in a few minutes, I'm going upstairs to change." Sebastian said as Trinity was stretched out on the sofa watching TV

"Ok, the boys should be finishing up in the bathroom."

Sebastian went in the room; took his pants and shirt off and went in the bathroom. When he came out he went into the closet to find a new pair of pants and a shirt

"Dad." Evan called out as Sebastian stuck his head out


"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." He said as he put his pants on and walked out to sit on the edge of the bed
"What's wrong?" He asked as Evan climbed up in his lap

"It's about the new baby."

"You're going to be a big brother, aren't you excited?"

Evan shook his head, "No."

"No? Why not?"

"You and mom will forget about me, and you won't love me anymore." Evan said sadly

"That's not true, we could never forget you or stop loving you."

"Can mommy just not have the baby."

Sebastian chuckled, "I don't think so, the baby's coming regardless if you want it to or not. I promise you'll like the new baby."

"No I won't."

"Lucas and Mason were excited about you being born, why can't you be the same?"

"You won't play with me anymore, you'll be with the new baby."

"I'll always make time for you. I could never forget about you, and I do love you very much." Sebastian said as he kissed Evan's forehead

"I love you too."

"Good, now let's go eat, I made lasagna and I wanna have some before mommy eats it all up." He said standing up while carrying Evan downstairs

Sebastian sat down at the table as Evan didn't let go of him. "Look at the big baby." Lucas teased

"Shut up." Evan said as Lucas and Mason snickered while Sebastian rubbed Evan's back

"You want me to get a separate plate?" Trinity asked as she set Sebastian's plate down in front of him

"No it's fine."

"Alright." She said as she went back to fix herself something to eat

"Have you boys decided on a name for your new turtle?"

"We're gonna name him Leo." Mason smiled

"Leo? Like the ninja turtle?"

"Yeah, he's our favorite." Lucas said

"And what if it's a girl?"

"I don't know, Lea I guess," Lucas shrugged

Happy thanksgiving, I thought it would be nice to drop this chapter for those of you who are like me, bored and want something to read😅

I will be posting another two chapters on Monday so no worries on that😉

I appreciate all of you very much and I hope you enjoy the chapter. Be breezy,

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