Chapter 43: Can We Talk?

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Three Days Later

~Trinity's POV~

"How are you boys doing today?" I asked as I was so happy to talk with the twins, it seems like since they went to New Jersey for the summer, they've forgotten about us and rarely call, but I'm not upset about it, I know they're having a good time and that's all I want for them

"Good!" They both answered
"Mommy, we've been to the Statue of Liberty!" Lucas said happily

"Really? And I haven't even been there yet."

"And we went to the Empire State Building and we went to Coney Island." Mason said

"Wow, you boys are having a lot of fun. Have you bought anything?"

"A few toys but that's about it." Lucas said as I looked down at Evan as he was patting my leg

"Evan wants to talk to you two, hold on." I said passing the phone to him

"Hello?" Evan smiled

"Hey Evan!"

"Hey, what are y'all doing?"

"We're at the house with grandma, then later grandpa is gonna take us to the movies."

"Guess where we are?"

"Evan." I warned

"Oh yeah I forgot, mommy said I couldn't say."

"Why not? Is it a secret?" Mason asked

"Yes, it's a secret but I'll tell you soon." I said
"Give the phone back to grandma, and I'll talk with you two soon, okay."


"Bye, have fun at the movies." Evan said giving me back the phone as Natalie got on and I took it off speakerphone

"How are Evan and Landon doing?"

"They're fine, Evan's running around in his own little world and Landon is watching cartoons."

"And how are things with you and Sebastian?" She asked as I cleared my throat

"Everything's fine."

"That didn't sound too promising, Trinity. Are you sure everything's okay?"

"For the moment they are."

"Where is he now?"

"Back home."

"And where are you?" She asked as I sat down on the couch next to Landon and sighed

"I can't say, he might be listening."

"Well, are you and the kids safe?"

"Yes we're safe, but it's like every second I'm constantly looking over my shoulder."

"I know how you feel, and if you need anything from me, money, food, a place to stay I'll be more than glad to help."

"Thank you but I think I have enough to last us."

"Do you know where you'll be going next?"

"No, I haven't fully made up my mind exactly where I'd like to go, but I plan on leaving soon."

"Just be careful dear, and again I'm here for you."

"Alright bud, you'll all set." I said as I finished giving Evan a bath and putting on his pajamas

"Where are we going tomorrow? I had fun on the Battleship today." He smiled

"I don't know, I was thinking the Airboat but I don't know how I'll manage that with you and Landon but we'll see."

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