Chapter 55: Honor

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"I know this is so last minute but you gotta get down here, Sakks is having a sale and you know those matching sweaters you, me and Nicole were wanting, well they're in stock and in our sizes."

"Oh hell yeah say no more, I'm on the way. Let me get my hair together and I'm out the door."

"Okay, Nicole and I will meet you in the front." Trinity hung up the phone and tossed it on the bed as Sebastian was walking in the room yawning while unbuttoning his shirt and taking off his shoes

"You poor thing, I know you're tired you've been gone for almost two days now."

"Tired is an understatement, I could sleep for a week." He said as he plopped down on the bed

"Well I'll let you get some sleep. I'll be out with Marlena and Nicole and Edenia is seeing about Amelia."

"Good, because right now I don't want to be bothered by anyone." He said rolling over as Trinity kissed his cheek and went into the bathroom to fix her hair

Her phone went off as he picks it up and reads the message. He sits up a bit when he read meet us at the downtown mall.

The thought of another man hitting on or harassing Trinity crossed his mind as he know how aggressive and irritating they could be downtown and that began to make him upset. "Trinity." He called out as he set her phone down

"Yes babe." She answered coming out with her hair in a half up ponytail with loose body waves on the end

"Where did you say you were going again?"

"To the mall, there's a sale going on."

"I'm coming with you, I don't want you going by yourself." He said putting his shoes back on

"No honey you've been working for two days straight without resting properly, I'll be fine and I won't be by myself but I'll have Marlena and Nicole with me."

"No no, I'll be with you, besides we haven't been anywhere together for awhile now."

"But aren't you tired?" She asked as he stood up and kissed her forehead while buttoning up his shirt

"I'll never be too tired for you my love."

"Ok, let me get my purse and I'll be ready." She said as she got her purse and came back
"Are you sure you wouldn't rather sleep? We can always go out this weekend."

"I don't want you to be the lonely third wheel, Marlena and Nicole will hold each other's hand and you won't have anyone."

"Well since you put it like that then I guess it wouldn't hurt for you to come along."

Sebastian drove Trinity to the mall as she was texting Marlena while Sebastian's hand rested on her thigh and occasionally he would rub it

"What do you think about going to Canada for our anniversary this year?" She asked

"That's different but I don't mind, what part are you looking at going?"

"Possibly Vancouver, I think snow would be something new we haven't experienced for a anniversary getaway."

"You know that doesn't sound too bad, you and I can go hunting and maybe we can catch an elk or something."

"Oh gee, that does sound like fun." She said blandly as he smiled

"Don't knock it until you try it babe."

They made it to the mall as already Sebastian started yawning. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

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