Chapter 74: Teenage Faze

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"I hate you won't be able to come with us for my awards ceremony." Amelia said to Evan as he was in his room studying for his anatomy exam

"I know, but you know me I wouldn't miss anything pertaining to you for nothing in the world, unfortunately this stupid test has served me a bit of a problem."

"Don't sweat it, there will be more ceremonies of mines to go to in the future and I wouldn't want you to fail your test, that's most important."

"Regardless if I study or not I'll do just fine, but for the sake of keeping my scholarships I'll stay here and actually study." He said as Trinity walked by and stopped

"There you are, are you ready to leave?" She asked Amelia

"Yes ma'am, I was just telling Evan that I was gonna miss him today."

"Yes we all are gonna miss him but I promise to take plenty of pictures for you."

"Thank you and if you could try not to include Landon, he's not the most photogenic person in the family." He grinned

"Oh stop it, I don't know why you always have to start with him."

"Because it's fun and he gets in his feelings quick, he's such a drama queen."

"One of these days you're gonna miss Landon so much that you'll call him and he won't answer because he'll think it's you wanting to mess with him so he won't answer."

"And when that day comes I will run into traffic."

"Don't say that, you love him and we all know it. Now I'm going to finish getting ready and you should too miss lady."

"Yes ma'am." Amelia said as Trinity walked down the hallway to her bedroom

Once she entered the room, Sebastian quickly grabbed her hand and spun her around. She was surprised by this as he kissed her on the lips. "Well what's gotten into you? You're in a pleasant mood all of a sudden."

"The best thing could've ever happened to me, besides you gracing me with your presence, do you remember that building that I've been trying to get my hands on for the past three months?" He asked as she rolled her eyes

"How could I forget, that's all you ever talk about."

"It just so happens that I own it now." She smiled

"Well congratulations, now you can stop bitching about it every five minutes."

"Hey now, I get what I want one way or another and speaking of, tonight, I'm gonna celebrate by having some of your delicious goodies and I can't wait to shoot this nut off that I've had for a month now."

"TMI babe."

"I'm just being honest. It's not like I can get any joy from jacking off because you're too busy trying to pick which outfit goes best with your hair today and also you've been real cranky lately as well."

"I'm not cranky okay, I've been a little tired is all and at times you annoy me when you keep asking me the same damn question but in different ways, that alone pisses me off."

"Well dear I would like to take some personal responsibility for the reason why you're so irritable and I will make it all up to you tonight."

"And I honestly can't wait."

"So when will we be able to meet your boyfriend?" Landon asked Amelia as they sat down

"Don't start."

"Why? I just wanna meet him and so does everyone else."

"For what? So you can bully him into not wanting to date me anymore." She said as Landon shrugged

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