Chapter 87: Field Trip

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Two weeks later

Today is the first day the med students will travel for their first hands-on experience in traveling to a nearby village roughly an hour away.

Evan told Trinity about this and when it was almost time for him to leave, she called him and has been asking him questions nonstop.

"Mom it's late you should be in bed."

"It's not late."

"I can hear dad snoring." He said as she scoffed

"That's all the time, besides this has nothing to do with him, I'm the one that had you so therefore I'm the most important, now wouldn't you agree?"

"Yes mother."

"Good, now how long will this trip last?"

"Three days."

"Do you have enough money?"

"I can manage with what I have."

"I'm sending you some more right now." She said as she went to her account and transferred two thousand to Evan's account
"I'll send you more when your father wakes up, he said I can't use his cards anymore while he's sleeping."

"Thank you mom but it won't be necessary you've already sent me enough the other day."

"Honey I just worry about you. You're halfway around the world, I miss you dearly and my mother never gave two shits about me and I always wanted to be involved in my kid's lives, something my mom never did or cared about, even though for the most part, all of you are grownups now I still strive to be the best mom ever, and always be available for all of you."

"I understand mom and from the bottom of my heart I appreciate everything you do for me. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here and you truly are my number one inspiration."

"Oh honey, you're gonna make me cry. Now I wish Sebastian were up so he could've heard you say I am your number one inspiration, that would've definitely shut him up." She said as he grinned

"You and dad are just too much sometimes. Anyway I have to go now, we're getting on the bus but I'll definitely text you when we get there and if anything new comes up I'll be sure to let you know."

"Okay sweetie, I love you and be safe."

"I will and I love you too." He said as he hung up the phone. He went over to one of the benches where Sarai was patiently waiting for him to get off the phone so they could get on the bus together
"You ready to go?"

"Oh yes, I'm nervous but I'm ready."

"Trust me, this will be a piece of cake." Evan assured as the two were heading for the bus and the other women from their group began to crowd Evan, intentionally pushing Sarai away.

Evan found a seat as he had his leg covering the rest of the seat for Sarai as she was trying her best to make it on until one just sat down next to Evan
"Is this seat taken?"

"Actually it is." Evan answered as Sarai finally made her way to the seat as the woman looked at Sarai with a smirk

"Oh how nice, you saved the seat for your friend. I'm sure your girlfriend is one lucky lady."

"As a matter of fact she is, she's better looking than you that's for sure." He said as she got up, rolled her eyes at Sarai and walked away and Sarai sat down

"Thank you."

"No problem, would you be more comfortable sitting on the inside?"

"No I'm fine here, but thank you."

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