Chapter 69: Heart to Heart

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"Hey dad could I ask you a question?" Lucas said as he followed Sebastian into the kitchen


"Do you remember when I went to the skating ring last weekend with some of my friends and as I was leaving this girl came up to me and gave me a hug and said goodbye."

"Yes I remember."

"Well, I was wondering if it would be okay if she'd come over." He said as Sebastian looked at him
"Just to hangout, nothing else I promise." He quickly added as Sebastian smirked

"Just to hangout?"

"Yes that's all we're doing."

"I've been fourteen before and whenever I wanted to hangout with a girl, it usually lead to other things."

"I promise none of that will happen, we just wanna get to know each other that's all."

"You like her?" Sebastian asked with a smile as Lucas blushed a bit

"She's cute but I don't know if I like her just yet."

"You should already know if you like her."

"I don't know her well enough to really say. We've only hung out a handful of times and it was with a group of people, when it's just us two she may be really boring."

"Alright, I'll allow you to have your friend come over but you two must stay downstairs and no sneaking off anywhere."

"Can I ask you another question?"

"Go on."

"When will you know if she's the one that you wanna, you know, have intimacy with." He asked with embarrassment

"You mean you're still a virgin?"

"Dad!" He screeched as his face was all red

"I'm just asking, and there's no need to be embarrassed by that, I think it's a beautiful thing."

"No you don't."

"Of course I do, you're not out here fucking every girl that shows you a little attention and getting random whores pregnant, any father would be proud. You make no woman pregnant unless your wife, other than that, have a little fun."

"How old were you when you first, you know, lost your virginity."

"Fourteen actually, I was the trustworthy twin so mom and dad let me stay home by myself while they took Malcolm and Lorenzo to the play they wanted to see. I called my girlfriend over at the time and one thing lead to another and we ended up naked upstairs in my bed."

"Did they ever find out?"

"No, well at least mom didn't but dad definitely knew something but never would say. Your first time is special and it should be memorable to you, I don't want you to feel as if I'm rushing you into something to prove anything to me. Don't worry, life will go on."

"Thanks dad, you think mom will be okay with me having Lindsey over?"

"I'll talk to her because I know she can be a little difficult to convince."

"I'm difficult to convince?" Trinity said as she walked into the kitchen
"I think you must have me confused with yourself."

"Lucas wants to invite his friend over."

"That's fine with me." She shrugged

"It's a girl, but don't worry I told him that they were to stay in the living room and where we can keep an eye on them."

Tied to the Don [BWWM]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora