Chapter 113: Explanation

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It was six in the morning and the twins just finished up running a mile, both were exhausted and get they could fall out any minute.

"Please no more running, I don't think we could go any longer." Lucas said breathlessly as he and Mason were downing their water

"Are we still not getting it yet?" Sebastian asked

"If we say no will you promise not to shock us?" Mason asked

"Why am I asking you two to do ridiculous, and time consuming work?"

"Because you'd rather beat our asses instead." Lucas answered

"Yes, but overall what's the point? Sure I could beat the both of you until I'm blue in the face but what is my real goal here? What am I trying to teach the both of you?"

"I'm not exactly sure."

"No matter the task at hand, I expect you to do it with full compliance. If I tell you to get rid of someone I expect you to carry out my orders because being not only the Don you must first and foremost respect and honor leadership. You two are privileged to be my sons because had that been anyone else to disobey a direct order is grounds for death and with you two disobeying me not once but twice, it shows weakness and that I can't have.
I command respect of everyone that works for me and you two need to really understand that. I know you see me as dad and as you should, but you must understand when I'm the Don, I'm no longer dad, but I'm your leader and you will follow my instructions just as everyone else.
In order to be a great leader, one must also be a great listener and have the ability to be lead. I see potential in the both of you and you will be great leaders one day in due time. This is why I'm so hard on you because I know what you two are capable of, granted you've never had to really work hard or struggle to get anything but you can do it. It's time you two start to realize how good you are and really work together as one to be unstoppable, that's the whole point of this entire trip."

"So you didn't bring us out here to silently kill us off for making you upset the other day?" Mason asked

"No, if I wanted you dead I would've did that days ago and been back home already. But again, be grateful for your position because I would've immediately shot whoever disobeyed my orders.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy causing you two pain nor do I hate that you show emotions, which is fine in its respectable place. But a golden rule to live by, you never shed tears for anyone who would celebrate in your demise.
You always want to keep everyone at a distance, never let them know what you're thinking, you always want to keep them guessing. Never let anyone in unless you necessarily have to, your brother is your confidant, and when it's time to bring the others into the business, they to will be the ones you discuss any doubts you have but never with outsiders."

"Yes sir."

"Good, you boys have a lot to learn but you can do it."

"Tell me more about him, I'm curious to know everything." Sarai to Amelia as the two were outside in the backyard while Pebbles curled up in Amelia's lap

Amelia giggled, "Well, we've actually known each other for a long time and we've gotten closer together since I've started therapy. I had no idea he was in a therapy group until I started going a year and a half ago. We would talk a little bit after therapy was over here and there, but it was nothing serious then."

"So it's serious now?"

"I would think so, he asked me out on a date." Amelia said as Sarai brightly smiled

"Amazing! I can't wait to see what you're gonna wear, and also how will you explain this to your brothers."

"That's where the problem comes in. The reason why we've known each other for a while is because he's actually one of Evan and Landon's best friends." Amelia said with a nervous face

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