Chapter 107: Heart & Soul

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Evan and Sarai were at Lorenzo's house in the backyard while Evan shot a few rounds of the AK-47

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Evan and Sarai were at Lorenzo's house in the backyard while Evan shot a few rounds of the AK-47

Sarai sat in the chair with a glass of water as Evan eventually put the gun down by his side. "Evan, would you really kill someone for me?" She asked somberly as he turned his attention towards her

"If you asked me to I would."

"Like that woman yesterday, she made you upset and you threatened to kill her and her family, if someone hurt me, and you got upset about it, would you then go kill them?"

"Yes. There's no use in me lying to you."

"And what if they hurt me on accident, they didn't mean to, would you still go after them?"

"No, only because you wouldn't let me so I'll then let it go."

"Why do you say that?" She asked as he smiled and sat down in front of her, and placed the gun on the table

"You have absolutely no idea the power you have over me. You have the ability to calm me down when I'm raging angry, lift my spirits when I'm down and keep me at a constant focus, all without even saying a word, just your presence alone mellows me out and already I feel better.
If you told me, you wanted to live with me in a beautiful palace in the middle of the forest, I'd build you that palace in no time or I'd destroy every enemy you have, they'd be no more and if anyone else would be left, they'd gladly kiss your feet and pray that you would have mercy on them because I certainly won't, they mess with you and they'll pay the consequences."

"You'd really do all that for me?"

"In a heartbeat, with my connections your problems will be over in less than five minutes. I wasn't lying to you when I said you are my heart and you control it."

"I don't control you baby, you do. Even before we met you were in control of yourself."

"I thought I was in control of myself but it wasn't until I found you and started opening up my heart and soul to you. You've captured me and I gladly give myself to you to use however you see fit. I do that because I know you won't take advantage of me and only use me for what I have, that's why I can freely be me when I'm with you." He said as she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the lips

"I love you with all my heart and soul, you are my everything. I would be miserable without you in my life and I'm grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

He takes her by the hand and pulls her over to sit in his lap as he wraps his arms around her waist. "How much do you really love me?"

"With everything I have, I love you."

"You'll still love me even though I come from a bunch of gun wielding psycho maniacs as my family?"

She grins, "Yes I'll still love you and to be honest, I think it's kinda sexy that you go out of your way to protect me and so does the rest of your family. It's great knowing that I'm always safe and no one will mess with me. I never thought I'd be this attracted to someone with such power."

"I'm glad you feel safe because you'll always be with me." He said as he cupped her face and began tongue kissing her. After a minute he pulled back and stared into her eyes
"You make me go absolutely crazy for you, I fucking love you." He said as he went back to kissing her

"Could we possibly go to Paris?" She asked


"Sometime in the future,"

"How about we go for Kwanza this year?"

"But don't you wanna be with your family for Christmas?"

"They'll understand, I can see them anytime or they can meet us in Paris." He shrugged

"If they'd like to, I don't want to already start demanding where we go for family trips when they just met me, if they don't want to go then that's fine we can go some other time." She said as he kissed her again

"I'll mention it to my dad when we go back to Miami."

"I'm really gonna miss it here, your grandma was right, I kinda don't want to leave."

"Oh no, if she heard you say that she'd go absolutely crazy and probably force me to stay the entire time. I promise I'll bring you back before the year is over."

"Would you really come back here to finish out school?"

"Yeah, the main reason I left the country in the first place was because I wanted something different, I really wanted to prove to myself that I could survive away from my comfort zone and still do well."

"Of course you were going to do well, you're a genius." She said as he smiled

"Thanks babe."

"I'm serious, you could've went anywhere and you were going to be fine. Whatever you decide to do in life, you'll do well at it."

"I'm not the only smart one around here, you are as well. I can't take all the credit for being the only one that's exceptionally gifted." He said as he gave her a kiss

"Is it true that this will be your last year overseas?" She asked sadly

"How do you know that?"

"I overheard you and your dad talking about it."

"Yes it's true."

"Will you promise to come back for me?"

"No, because I'm going to bring you along with me. I wouldn't be able to function if you weren't by my side."

"But how would that work? I can't leave I'll lose my scholarship."

"My dad is working on all that for you, so we can be at the same school and you won't have to worry about paying for a thing, we got you." He said as she smiled and held her arms around him

"I'm excited but how will I tell my parents? I don't know how they would feel if they couldn't see me as easily as they do."

"Whenever they'd like to visit, I'm sure my dad wouldn't mind flying them over to see you or vice versa, but of course whatever is more comfortable with them."

"I hate you are leaving us, I do wish you and Sarai could stay." Natalie said

"I know grandma and I hate leaving you as well, but we'll be back soon."

"I had a great time as well. I want to thank you for inviting me into your beautiful home, accepting me into the family and showing me around the city. I most certainly will be back when I visit again."

"We will be glad to have you back dear, Sal and I have thoroughly enjoyed you being here with us and we're happy we made you feel welcomed. Perhaps the next time you and I could go out somewhere with just us two and we have some fun."

Sarai smiles, "I would like that very much."

"Great, I'll be planning the next trip when you arrive."

Our man Evan is really serious about his lady and will do anything to make her happy.

Does Sarai fully understand the power she has? Will she ever figure it out?

It seems we're going to Paris for the Holidays🤗 what should they do first?

And lastly, this will be Evan's last year overseas, will Sarai be ready to leave her country this soon? And will her parents be okay with that even if she's not married yet?

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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