Chapter 77: Frat Party

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🚨Trigger Warning🚨

A year and a half ago Silas had moved away which ultimately ended the relationship between him and Amelia.

She was very devastated and heartbroken because she really like Silas and she could tell that he liked her too.

Although he would constantly ask to meet her parents she almost had him to meet them, but the plans feel through and it was too late as time was never on their side

Now with her being 'single' she's been intermingling with other guys and even some that's a few years older than her.

She got a text from one of her friends saying that there was a frat party going on and if she wanted to come, she said yeah and to come pick her up.

She went to go ask Sebastian could she go hangout with her friends for a few hours as she knew Trinity would immediately say no.

Sebastian was downstairs watching TV on the couch as she looked around for Trinity and took this as a perfect opportunity to ask. "Hey daddy can I ask you something?"

"Sure pumpkin what is it?"

"Can I go hangout with my friends for a little while please." She asked as he looked at his watch

"It's almost ten o'clock and it's a school night."

"I know but it won't be long I promise."

"I'm not too comfortable with you being out this late on a school night." He said as Trinity walked up

"Where are you trying to go?"

"She wants to go hangout with her friends." Sebastian said as Trinity shook her head

"Absolutely not, it's late and you have school tomorrow."

"Why Is It That I Can Never Have Any Fun Around Here!" She fumed as Trinity pointed at her

"You better fix that tone of voice when speaking to me or I will make your night a whole lot worse."

"Nothing is worse than having a tyrant for a mother. You must've forgot you too was out late with your friends, isn't that how you met dad anyway?" She said as a sudden flash of anger came across Trinity's face and before she knew it, she slapped Amelia as she too was shocked and holding her cheek

"I'll show you just how much of a tyrant I can be, you ungrateful little girl. How dare you talk to me like that after everything I do for you and you have the absolute nerve to throw my past in my face. I've had about enough of your smart mouth and attitude you're grounded for the rest of the month and I don't want to hear any more about you going out somewhere.
Now I want you to get up those stairs and I do not want to see you until the morning." She said as Amelia had tears streaming down her face and quickly went upstairs to her room

Trinity sat down next to Sebastian as she too began to cry. He scooted closer towards her and wrapped his arm around her. "Fifteen years and I never laid a hand on her. My mother was right, I'm gonna be just like her."

"No you're not baby, your mom was wrong you're a terrific mother."

"I slapped my child, I've never hit any of my children for the simple fact that my mother would beat the shit out of me for the smallest thing and here I am I let my anger get the best of me and I hit her."

"Babe you had every right to hit her, she was being disrespectful towards you and as her mother you have to show her whose in control, I understand you're not into hitting the kids but sometimes they need it, it won't kill them if you give them a good smack every now and then, look at the boys for example, I smack them all the time and so far they've turned out alright."

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