Chapter 90: The Mean Gene

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"Dad have I ever told you that I'm super blessed to have you as my dad. Like really, you're the greatest, best dad in the whole wide world and I wouldn't want another dad." Lucas said to Sebastian as Sebastian was sitting at the table eating leftovers Trinity made yesterday

"What do you want? And how much is it going to cost me?"

"You remember Kelsey, the new girl I'm dating."

"No, but go on."

"You don't remember? The one I told you about who's the model from Canada."

"No son I don't. I can barely keep up with my own self on a daily basis, besides you get new girls every week."

"Well anyway I invited her over and I really want to make a good impression on her when I pick her up so would it be alright if I could borrow the Rolls Royce."

Sebastian snickered, "You're kidding right?"

"No dad I'm serious. I promise I won't hit anything and I'll even put gas in it."

"I know you won't hit anything because you're not going to drive it at all."

"Aww come on dad." He whined

"Don't start, you know I don't allow anyone to drive my car so this shouldn't come as a shock to you." Sebastian said as Trinity walked into the kitchen

"Babe, I'm gonna take your car and head to the store right quick, and I'll make sure to get your spare ribs this time."

"No problem baby, you be careful." Sebastian said as he continued to eat and Lucas gasped

"Lucas my dear, would you like anything while I'm out?"

"No thanks."

"Ok, I'll be back." She said going over to Sebastian and kissed his cheek. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and promptly smacked her ass
"Bye you barbaric animal." She giggled as she was leaving while he watched her walk away with a smirk on his face

"Mom can take the car but I can't? That's not fair."

"Your mom's different."

"But you said you don't allow anyone to drive your car."

"She's the exception. Besides I can't say no to her, she takes good care of me, feeds me wonderful food and we have great sex."

"You could've left the last part out."

"How do you think you got here? We held hands all night long. You're a big boy now I think you can handle it just fine."

"Come on dad work with me."

"What's wrong with the brand new Porsche I bought you two months ago." Sebastian asked

"I asked her had she ever rode in a Rolls Royce before and she said no and that she would love to."

"So you lied and told her you had one."

"Well it wasn't a lie per say, I didn't tell her that the car was mine but that I could make it happen, that's where you come in and loan me the car for a couple hours."

"No, tell your little girlfriend that you won't be picking her up in a Rolls Royce." Sebastian said as Lucas sighed

"Fine, but can we at least have the house to ourselves." He asked as Sebastian chuckled

"First you want my car, now you want me to leave my own house? Absolutely not. You better get a hotel room because I'm not going anywhere."

"Dad I think you're being completely unfair." He said as Sebastian put his fork down

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