Chapter 3: Life's Good

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~Trinity's POV~

"And this is the movie room, I asked Sebastian could we add a snack machine in here and he said he'll look into it."

"Look at you, beaming about some snacks, how much more happier can you get." Nicole teased as I blushed

"Hey, I love to eat I can't help it."

"But seriously this is really a nice house you and Sebastian have here, I wouldn't mind staying in here and never coming out."

"Yeah, no kidding." Marlena added

"Y'all want something to eat or drink? We have leftover pasta salad."

"I'll have something to drink." Marlena said

"Yeah, me too."

"Okay, I'm getting a little thirsty myself." I said leading them back to the kitchen as Marlena and Nicole sat at the bar and I got some lemonade from the fridge and glasses from the cabinet

"How come I'm just now noticing that large rock on your finger?" Nicole said as I looked down at my hand and forget that I had it on to begin with

"Yeah Trin, and we've been girls forever, how come I'm just now seeing it too?"

"Oh it's nothing, just a little gift from Sebastian." I shrugged

"That looks like more than just a little gift, did he ask you to marry him?" Marlena asked

"He did and I said yes."

"Well congratulations, girlfriend! When's the wedding so I can pick out my dress."

"I was thinking maybe after I have the baby and I get back in shape."

"What's wrong with getting married while you're pregnant? I think you'll look even more beautiful." Nicole said

"You think so?"

"I know so, you're beautiful no matter how your body looks, if you're ready to get married I say go for it."

"I agree with Nicole, why not get married while pregnant plus I think the photos would look terrific, you should really consider it."

It was later that night as I went to bed trying my best to sleep but I couldn't go as my mind was racing.
"Babe, you okay?" Sebastian asked as he put his hand on my hip

"I can't sleep." I groaned as he scooted closer to me and kissed me on my cheek

"Anything I can help you with? Perhaps another massage?"

"I would like another massage please." I sheepishly smiled as he grinned and kissed my lips

"Of course, where would you like me to massage?"

"My feet." I said throwing the covers back and getting comfy in the pillows as he climbed down by my feet and began to massage them

I leaned my head back in the pillows and heavenly sighed as the moonlight shined through the window of the balcony doors perfectly lighting up the room, "Oh babe, that feels so good."

"You like that?"

"I do, your hands are magical." I said as he chuckled

"Really? I wouldn't give my hands that much credit when there's other magical parts of my body." He said as he started going up to my legs and I began to moan a bit more

"I think I know the real reason you can't sleep."

"Why's that?"

"You're stressed out and that's not good for you or the babies, I have a better solution to relieve your stress." He said as he opened up my legs wider, got on his stomach and stuck his warm, wet tongue on my clit

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