Chapter 40: Monster

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"We've got word that an undercover cop will be moving in shortly." Simon said to Sebastian over the phone as he was in his office

"How do you know?"

"He's from Jersey and he got transferred down here for a special assignment." He said as Sebastian rubbed his chin

"You know anything about him?"

"His name is Benjamin Castillo, he joined the force when he was twenty-two, married a Lorraine Miller out of high school, she's currently pregnant with his child of three months. They're renting a house just outside of Miami Beach and he's been on six undercover missions and put away five of his targets, the six just so happen to be shot dead before he was taken down." Simon said as Sebastian sat back in his chair

"Well, before anything escalates, we should go ahead and solve this problem."

"There's also one other fact about Benjamin, his wife is cousins with Trinity."

"Fuck." Sebastian whispered as he rubbed a hand down his face
"Alright well, I'll have to call you back and think of something else." He said as he heard the door closing

"Alright, I'll let you know if there's anything else." Simon said as they hung up the phone and Trinity walked in Sebastian's office

"Hey babe, how was your workout?" He asked with a smile as she came over and kissed his forehead

"Great, and you won't believe who I ran into at the gym."


"Of all people my annoying ass cousin. I was shocked to even see her, she said she figured I'd be here since Marlena's dad said that she was here and figured I'd be with her, but anyway, she talked for ages about her husband and her being pregnant and how she couldn't wait to be a mom. Despite my feelings towards her, I was happy."

"That's good,"

"Now I'm gonna go upstairs and change,"

"Wait before you go, could you do me a favor, I need help with my laptop." He said as she went around to fix it as he pulled her down into his lap

She grinned, "I thought you needed me to fix this."

"I do, but I want you to do it in a comfortable position." He said as she started wiggling her hips around

"Have you talked with the twins today?"

"I did and they're enjoying their vacation with grandma and grandpa, but the one who's enjoying it the most is Evan, he asked me if I could send Landon away too." Sebastian chuckled

"That's Evan alright, never fails to speak his mind."

"I will say, it is quite nice having only two kids to worry about and it's more peaceful than usual."

"Does this mean you're done with having kids?" She asked as he smiled

"Not done by any means, I still have some more good sperm left in me."

"Well I'm getting about tired of pushing out babies every other year, can I get a break sometime?"

"You'll get your break when I'm done, but for now just enjoy the resting period while you still can."

"Alright I fixed it." She said getting up from his lap

"That was fast."

"Yeah well, when you're as good as I am, you tend to be pretty fast. Anything else before I go?"

"No that's it's Mrs. Showoff, if I do happen to need something else I'll definitely give you a call." He said picking up his phone

"Alrighty then, I'll be upstairs." She said leaving

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