Chapter 44: Rise and Shine

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~Trinity's POV~
I woke up the next morning with the sun shining on my face and feeling refreshed in my body. I look next to me as Sebastian was asleep with half the sheets covering him

I go to ease out of bed when his strong hand grabs my wrist."Where are you going?" He asked in a raspy voice as I look over at him and he opened his eyes

"To go check on Landon." I answered as he gave a half smile and rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb

"Forgive me if I'm a little suspicious of your actions, I don't want to lose you." He said as he let my wrist go and I got out of bed

I go across the hall as I look over in the crib to see Landon still asleep. I leave out of his room to go check on Evan as he too was still asleep.

I figured I could go ahead and start folding up our clothes I washed last night and pick out their outfits for today.
"What time are we leaving?" I asked Sebastian as he walked out of the bathroom

"I thought you planned on taking them on the airboat."

"I did, but I figured you'd want to go back home."

"What's the rush? We might as well enjoy our time while we can, besides they deserve to have a nice vacation too."

"Ok, Evan will be happy to hear that."

"And just so you're aware, I'm expecting some makeup sex from you, that is if you truly forgive me about the whole thing." He said as I sighed

"I told you I don't forgive you for what you did but I'm glad that you were honest and apologized for how you mismanaged the entire thing."

"So is that a yes?"

"No, I'm not much in the mood for that." I said as I laid out the kids clothes for today on the side of the bed as he walks up behind me and roughly palms my ass

"Come on baby, I haven't seen you in almost a week and you know how I get when I can't touch you when I want. Besides what's the point in marriage if I can't fuck you whenever I feel like it." He smiled as he gently rubbed my shoulders

"You're starting to annoy me."

"And you're starting to excite me."

"I'm gonna take my shower now." I said stepping to the side of him as he grabs my waist, slams me down on the bed and climbs on top of me pinning my arms up above my head

"Let's have a quickie and have the real fun later tonight."

"Sebastian, these walls are super thin we'll wake the kids."

"No we won't, I promise I'll be extra quiet if you promise to be the same."

"Fine, let's get it over with."

I was glad that I was able to take Evan and Landon on the airboat curtesy of Sebastian helping me out because seeing about the both of them by myself would've been a challenge

The boys had a great time as we even went to some museums afterward the airboat. Sebastian put Evan up on his shoulders so he could see into the telescope

"Mommy, I see a big star."

"Which one is it?" I asked as he shrugged

"I don't know, how can you tell the difference?"

"Where it's located in the sky, but that's okay we'll call it big star."

"Do you think I could see Mars?" Evan asked Sebastian

"I'm sure you can but I don't have a clue what Mars would even look like in the sky or a telescope."

"Would you like to look at the stars Landon?" I asked as Landon looked up at me with a smile

"Mommy, I don't think he's smart enough to know what a star is."

"Maybe not yet, but one day he'll be smart just like you." I said as he rolled his eyes

"Yeah, okay." He said as Sebastian chuckled

"One of these days he's gonna grow up and be just like you and then it won't be so funny." I said

"I know, but I can't help but laugh."

Later on we went to Olive Garden to have lunch. While we waited for our food I began to feed Landon as he was eager to eat and rushed me the entire time.

"All of our kids so far seem to take after your eating habits." I said as Landon tried taking the spoon away from me

"What can I say, I have a big appetite for food, especially desserts, if you know what I mean." He winked at me as he took a breadstick from the basket, broke it in half and gave the other piece to Evan

"So what are we doing tomorrow since I planned on leaving tonight."

"I thought it'd be nice if we head to New Orleans and get some seafood."

"You wanna go all the way to New Orleans for seafood?"

"Yeah, Evan's never had any crab before, and I for one want to eat some plus a few shrimp."

"Ok, you're the one that'll be driving." I said cleaning Landon's mouth and giving him his juice

"Daddy, who do you love more, me or mommy?"

"Yeah, who do you love more? I'd really like to know." I said as he smiled

"I love you both equally,"

"Well if we were both drowning who would you save first?" I asked as he scoffed

"Now why would both of you be drowning? I never liked those questions because they're never logical."

"Well just answer the question, who's the first to come to mind?"

"I guess Evan." He said as Evan smiled and hugged Sebastian's neck

"Yay! You love me more than mommy."

"And may I ask why?"

"Because I'll never hear the end of you going on about how I didn't save your baby and plus when I get old, I know Evan will take care of me whereas you might still be mad and stick me in a home somewhere."

"I won't stick you in a home, I may move you to the other side of the house but never in a home, that way your money will come directly to me." I smiled

"I'd rather be in a home, I'll never see you if I'm on the other side of the house."

"I was joking, I wouldn't want you away from me."

"Would you remarry if I were to die before you?" He asked as I looked at him and scoffed

"We are having such a good day and you're ruining it by asking that kind of question."

"I'm serious now." He said reaching over across the table and took my hand
"Would you find someone else?"

"Probably not, I mean who would want me with all the kids we have."

"I'll never marry again if I couldn't be with you anymore, you bring me absolute joy and I doubt I could have that with anyone else."

"You're really tugging at the heartstrings are you? At least that's one thing we agree on, no one else is fit to put up with us."

Are you happy with Trinity and Sebastian 'getting back together?'

First upload of 2021🥳🥳 I'm sad my vacation had to end 😭 I hope all of you had a good Holiday

Let me know what you think about and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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