Chapter 112: Master Moretti

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"How much longer for my oatmeal raisin cookies?" Evan asked Landon as he was looking over his shoulder

"They're almost done, just be patient. Once I take them out of the oven and they cool off, I'll give them all to you."

"Alright, what's this shit I hear about you going to college for Literature? What's up with that?"

"It's not the most glamorous thing like becoming a doctor or business management, it's too many numbers and I don't have time for all of that. I'd rather do something easy and I know it won't be a huge struggle." Landon shrugged

"Cooking isn't a struggle, how come you won't do that?"

"Cooking is not gangster. I know dad wants me to be happy but how would that make him feel if everyone knew one of his sons has a degree in culinary arts."

"Becoming a doctor is not gangster but here we are. Plus, you know dad better than anyone else in this world, he would be damn pleased with whatever you do, if he wasn't then he would've told you that. Look at the twins, they're fucking up and he's got them probably somewhere strung up by their ankles, we're all very proud of you, especially dad he knows how hard you struggled in school and you finally found something you're good at."

"I guess, I don't know it's just something I like to do to keep me occupied."

"Why don't you make it into a business? No doubt dad will support you in it. Just tell him what you want to do and within three months he'll have you a place up and running. Of course it'll take some time to get it fully established with people you trust and building clientele but it'll work."

"You really think so?"

"I know so, the connections we have plus the money. You'll put everyone else out of business if you wanted and of course I'll be your main supporter. I want you to succeed and enjoy what you love with the rest of us.
Don't sell yourself short man, you're just as important and part of the continuous family business as the rest of us. The twins will take care of the streets, I got the establishment and you'll handle the average person. The people will love your food, you expand and they'll give you their blind loyalty without them knowing it. We're gonna be everywhere it'll be unbelievable, but you gotta believe in yourself."

"Wow, that's the most nicest thing you've ever said to me, you really think I could do all of that?"

"Of course I can, I wouldn't waste my breath if I didn't think you could, after all you are my brother and we are all great at something. You don't see it yet but I'm looking at the bigger picture, we will run the world and we have the tools to do it but you must first believe in yourself."

The sun was greatly beaming down on the twins as they were moving heavy tree logs they had just cut up an hour ago.

Sweat was heavily dripping from Lucas' face as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand

Meanwhile Sebastian sat in the shade with a fan blowing on him and some ice water. "Dad, can we please stop?" Mason asked as the two had approached Sebastian

Sebastian glanced over to the large pile of logs that hasn't been moved yet. "Nope, you still have work to do." He said as they groaned

"But it's soo hot." Mason said

"Well maybe you should work faster."

"Come on dad this isn't fair."

"Life's not fair, boys. Now go finish your work and then you'll be done."

"You're treating us as if we're your slaves. I'd much rather take a beating than be tortured like this." Lucas said

"I'm a very nice slave owner you have to admit. I let you sleep in the house, eat good food, give you nice clothes, and you can sit down and take a break, plus I haven't hit one of you yet. I don't know too many slave owners who would give you one of those things but I'd say I'm the best there is. Because trust me, the way you two are dragging along, I would've been gotten rid of you for someone better."

"We accept whatever punishment you give us, just please can we start over, back at the house?" Mason said as Sebastian took a sip of his water

"You just haven't learned your lesson yet." He said as he pressed the button for them to be shocked and they immediately groaned in pain
"The more you stand here and plead with me, the longer it'll take and trust I have plenty of time. Now go finish your work, slaves, your master has more things to do." He said shooing them away as the twins groaned in despair

Evan was sitting in bed playing his game while eating his cookies and Sarai cuddled up next to him as ever so often he would give her ass a light smack or a kiss to the forehead

"You would never assume just by looking at you, you can eat a lot." Sarai said as Evan chuckled

"I guess it's a culture thing, I've never met one Italian who doesn't love to eat, maybe that's why we're all fat."

"You're not fat and I wouldn't say fat necessarily, you all like to enjoy what you have and you're proud about it. I don't think it's a bad thing."

"It's easy to enjoy what you have because you have the money and power to do so. I for one stopped caring long ago what others thought about me or my family, we're a bunch of greedy, money hungry people that only care about themselves, well you know what, I do only care about me and my family and to hell with anyone else. I hope they all starve and they can kiss my ass."

"You don't mean that."

"And why not?"

"Because you have a good heart, you do care about others. Isn't that why you want to be a doctor? Because you do care."

"Sure, I have compassion for those who can't help themselves and are sick and need help. I don't want anyone to be sick, I'll help anyone who wishes to be helped. Now as for everyone else who has shit to say about my family well I don't give a damn what happens to them, to be honest."

"I think you're a great person and your family are great people as well, maybe just a little bit misunderstood. After all, you're not a normal family like everyone else in the neighborhood."

"I'm glad you think so, unfortunately we'll never be normal no matter how hard we try, it's just one of those things we'll have to live with and accept." He said as he got another cookie and held it to Sarai's mouth as she was about to bite it and he pulls back

"Sike, these aren't for you." He said as he ate the entire thing and Sarai was a bit shocked

He glanced at her and started laughing as he got another cookie and gave it to her. "I'm just kidding baby, here you go." He said giving it to her and placed a loving kiss on her lips

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

Look at big brother Evan giving some advice, he does love Landon🥹 that is until Landon makes him mad about something and he'll curse him out🥲

Will Landon take Evan's advice? Could it actually work out in the future if he does?

How long will it take for the twins to finish one task?🤔

Will they ever learn their lesson? Will Sebastian eventually get tired of these two constantly complaining?

What's next for them?

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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