Chapter 122: Goodbye, For Now

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"I hate you have to go, but I had so much fun with you while you were here." Amelia said to Sarai as today was her last day of vacation and it was time to go back for school

"I know, I had so much fun with you too. Who knew I'd come all the way to America to meet my boyfriend's family and fall in love with his sister."

"I think we've all have fallen in love with you too. I can't wait for you to come back and see us and soon permanently move here as well, but in the meantime I guess I'll have to settle for my other friends to vent to about my problems."

"If things get too rough, you can always call me."

"Yeah but you'll be too busy with studying and girl I need you to study hard so you can be my doctor, I only feel comfortable telling you personal things and I know you won't judge me or automatically assume I'm some whore."

"I really hate you feel that way and I pray that you'll continue to heal. It breaks my heart to see a beautiful young lady like you broken, I wish there was more I could do." She said as Amelia smiles

"You've given me hope that not everyone is bad and untrustworthy and you've boosted my confidence to express love and affection with Chris. You've done a lot and you have no idea." Amelia said as she gave Sarai a hug

"You're gonna make me cry."

"Please don't, I may end up crying later once mom and dad leave with you all and it'll just be me and Landon."

"Why cry? Landon isn't bad to be around."

"Yeah when he's also not on his man period but I have a feeling he'll start pms'ing within a day or two." Amelia said as Sarai giggled

"You better not let him hear you say that, then he'll really start to go off."

"Just because I'm allowing you to date my sister, that doesn't mean you're off the hook with me." Evan said to Chris

"You allowed me to date her?"

"That's right, we were friends first and because I didn't go off on you like I intended, that made everyone else okay with the relationship as well."

"Your mom was okay with me dating Amelia before any of you knew about it."

"Mom doesn't count."

"Well anyway, you know me and you know I'll treat Amelia right."

"You better or else you'll have me to deal with." Evan said while pointing at Chris and Amelia walks up

"Are you done terrorizing my boyfriend?"

"No and I never will."

"Well I'm saying you're done for today."

"Listen, I don't want you two getting any bright ideas of doing anything that could led to babies."

"Well, the legal age of consent is sixteen in Alabama which is about a days worth of driving or I can book us a flight out to Jersey and see the grandparents, which the age of consent is also sixteen. Or perhaps I could fly her out to Brazil and let her meet my grandparents and the legal age out there is fourteen; or we could go to Italy and possibly stop by and say hi to you and the twins and Amelia and I will scurry off in the mountains where the legal age of consent is as you know is fourteen, since we're both half Italian and all." Chris said as he put his arm around Amelia

"I wish the fuck you would take her to Brazil."

"You can't stop us from going anywhere." Amelia retorted

"Listen man, if I really wanted to do that, which I have no desire as of now, I could and you know it. I love her but right now is not the time for that, she still needs healing and settle her personal issues. I wouldn't dare take advantage of her like that, if sex was that important to me I'd rather get some other broad who wants sex and be done with it and you of all people should understand that especially with that half dick-crazed ex-girlfriend of yours." Chris said as Evan rolled his eyes and groaned

"Please don't mention her, just thinking about it makes my head hurt."

"She will be forever safe with me, you have my word on that. I'm a gentleman first and foremost, I would never force myself onto any woman ever. I love Amelia and I will always treat her right." He said as Amelia kissed his cheek and smiled

"I love you too baby." She smiled as Evan folded his arms and grumbled
"Oh come here you big baby, I love you too." Amelia said with her arms open as she went to hug Evan

He hugged her and licked his tongue out at Chris as all Chris could do was chuckle. "Ok pretty boy, you win this one." Chris said while still smiling

"I always do." Evan said as he let go of Amelia
"Alright little lady, take care of yourself, stay out of trouble, listen to mom and dad and never change for no one." He said as he kissed her cheek

"I'm really gonna miss you and Sarai." She said sadly

"I'll see if I can fly you out for a few days, but no doubt you'll see us again and we'll call as much as we can."

"Mom and dad left me in charge until they get back, and my first rule is Chris can't stay after 6:30." He said as she scoffed and folded her arms

"And why not?"

"Because I have to keep my eyes on you." He said as he had his arm around Nekia's shoulder

"Hmmph, I'm not the only you're keeping your eyes on." She mumbled as Nekia giggled and Landon looked at her

"What are you laughing at?"

"Babe come on you're taking this way too seriously. What's the worst she could do?"

"A lot, trust me."

"Amelia your boyfriend is more than welcome to stay as long as he wants, as long as I'm here he's cool to stay." Nekia said as Landon glared at her

"Thank you, finally a voice of reason."

"I'll be upstairs waiting for you honey." Nekia said as she kissed Landon on the lips

"You have my word that nothing will happen, unless you just so happen to fall into a deep sleep and I want to have some fun." Amelia said with a smile
"But who knows." She shrugged as she went on upstairs

It's time for Evan and Sarai to head back to school, and the twins will embark on their new adventure in Italy.

How will things turn out for the twins? Will they like being so far away from home?

And will Evan or Sarai be ready to come back to the states sooner than expected.

Also, how will Sarai's parents take to Sebastian and Trinity?

Will Evan be truly honest about his family background and will this effect his relationship with Sarai.

And lastly, is Chris being sincere when he says he's not pushing for any physical intimacy with Amelia? Does he truly means what he says.

Hey y'all,
I know it's been a few weeks since I last posted, unfortunately I had death in the family and I needed to take some time off to recuperate. This was really hard for me and I want to thank you all for being so patient with me and continually reading my stories, it kept me going.

I'm back to writing however I'm still behind on the things I would've liked to have already written out, but I will be patient with myself and do the best I can until I can get back to where I originally was.

Anyway, I hope you all will enjoy this chapter, I have more awesome ones to come in the future so be on the lookout for those.

You guys are amazing and I love each and every one of you.

Until next time,

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