Chapter 101: Freak Me, Baby

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After a wonderful day out Evan and Sarai went back to his place as they both had a great time from start to finish.

They both showered and cuddled up in bed as Evan was scrolling on his phone with an arm draped over her. "I hope Amelia likes the gift I got for her." She said

"I'm sure she will, anything pink she will go crazy over it."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go ahead."

"I noticed the room next door has a lock on the outside, I'm curious to know what's in there?" She asked as he chuckled

"In due time but I highly doubt you're ready to know."

"You don't know that. You told me about your family and yet I'm still here."

"True, but this is something completely different and I'm sure you will look at me differently." He said as she sat up

"Well now I want to know. What are you keeping in there that you have to lock the room."

"You really want to know right now?"


"Okay, I have a pet snake named Loki."

"A pet snake?"


"What kind? A toy snake?" She asked as he grinned

"A real one."

"I don't believe you, or it's probably a baby snake or something."

"Would you like to see him?"

"Yeah sure I wanna see your pet snake."

"Alright, I'll go get him." He said getting out of bed and went next door as she waited in bed for him to return.

Five minutes later he came back in the room with nothing, "I knew you were kidding, there's no way you could have- AAHHH!" She screamed as Loki slithered into the room and she jumps up in the bed

"It's alright baby he's not gonna hurt you." He said as Loki began to crawl onto the side of the bed and Sarai quickly jumped down and ran to Evan, fearfully clutching him for dear life

"How big is that thing?!"

"Around ten feet now, but he's an absolute sweetheart. I promise he won't bite."

"Is it poisonous?" She asked worriedly as he laughed

"No, the worse thing he'll do is squeeze you and even that doesn't hurt unless he wraps his entire body around you."

"How long have you had it?"

"Since I was about seven maybe, and he is my best bud. He loves getting in the bed with me and swimming."

"You let it sleep with you?"

"Yeah, and he won't do anything, watch this." He said as he got in bed while Loki crawled over Evan and went onto the floor as Sarai quickly began moving around
"Would you like to touch him?" He asked as she just barely touched the body and jumped back as it moved

"Trust me he's a ten foot long teddy bear he won't hurt you. He loves to cuddle and get petted. Would you be willing to touch his head?"

"What if it crawls on me?"

"I'll hold his head."

"Okay but just a tiny tap and that's it." She stressed as he pulled Loki back and held his head still for Sarai to touch him

She was so nervous as she was shaking and couldn't get over the snake staring at her. When she got closer it's tongue came out as she screeched and quickly jumped back. "It's alright baby he was only smelling you, I can tell he really likes you."

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