Chapter 37: Merry Christmas

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"Mom! Dad! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Lucas, Mason and Evan jumped in the bed with Trinity and Sebastian shaking them awake and pulling the covers back

Sebastian groaned as he looked at the clock, 6:45, as he feels like he just went to sleep. Trinity tried to roll over but the kids weren't having it as they got on top of her and pulled the covers back

"No mommy don't go back to sleep, it's Christmas." Mason said

"Okay, okay I'm up." She said sitting up
"Sebastian, you might as well get up, they won't leave us alone." She said while nudging him

"Fine, but I wish you could've let us sleep for another hour." He said tossing the covers back

"I'll get Landon and you can take pictures." She said getting up and putting her pajama top on while Sebastian got up, put on some pants and grabbed his phone

"Alright, let's go downstairs and wait for mommy."

"Yay!" The boys said as they hurried out of the room to rush downstairs while Trinity went to go get Landon.

She changed his diaper, grabbed a towel and a bottle, then headed downstairs where the boys were in front of the Christmas tree

"Before you open your gifts, we'll take one more picture with Landon." Sebastian said

"Would you like to hold him?" Trinity asked Evan as he frowned and scooted over

"Not really."

"I'll hold him." Mason smiled as Trinity carefully placed Landon in his arms as Landon was looking around with confusion

After they took the picture, Trinity took Landon from Mason and the boys went to digging into their presents.

Trinity and Sebastian sat on the couch watching the boys open presents as they beamed with excitement of every gift they opened. "Instead of us just sitting here, would you like to open some presents?" Trinity asked Sebastian

"Sure, why not." He said getting up and going over to the tree to find their presents while Trinity put Landon in his swing

"This year I decided to get you something with some sentimental value rather than just getting another expensive gift." She said as he sat down

"Oh good, I took the same approach. I'll let you open the first gift." She grabbed the top small box as she began to tear open the paper

"Ah babe, it's beautiful." She said taking her new bracelet out of the box
"And very expensive, thirty five thousand dollars." She said looking at the receipt at the bottom

"I knew I should've checked the box out before wrapping it

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"I knew I should've checked the box out before wrapping it." He said snatching the receipt out of the box and putting it in his pocket.
"Well anyway, it's an infinity bracelet that symbolizes my love for you."

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