Chapter 119: Acceptance?

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Evan was sitting on the end of his bed aimlessly staring out of the window in silence as many different thoughts raced through his head.

"Evan." Sarai gently touched his shoulder as she sat down next to him
"You've been acting different ever since Chris and Amelia told the truth about their relationship." She said as he closed his eyes

"Every time I think about it, it's like another knife to my heart." He sighed "How could she be with him? This is not like her, this whole thing is his fault! He's manipulated her into thinking she's in love, why else would my best friend go after my kid sister?!"

"Because they genuinely love each other."

"And how would you know?"

"Because she's told me and also I can tell when a girls in love."

"Wait, you knew? When did she tell you and how long ago has this been going on?"

"I promised I wouldn't say a word."

"Come on baby tell me, I promise she'll never find out." He assured as Sarai shook her head

"I can't on good conscience betray Amelia's trust. She confided in me and asked that I not tell anyone. You know it's hard for her to open up and pour her heart out to her own therapist, let alone a stranger, I value the trust she has for me and I promised that I would never break it, under any circumstances because that's what real friends and family do."

"I can't even be mad at you for that, Amelia truly deserves someone like you in her life." He said as he kissed her cheek

"But what I will say is that she really loves him. He makes her happy and he loves her just as much. If anyone is truly made for Amelia it's him, he's loving, compassionate, patient and will protect her from any and everyone. He reminds me a lot like you." She giggles
"On the outside you're a rude, cold-hearted maniac but on the inside you're very generous, warm, and super sweet that can also turn into an overprotective animal when anyone comes within walking distance of me."

"Am I at least a cute animal?" He asked as she smiled

"Of course, you're my handsome curly haired cuddly bear. I know it's hard for you to accept it, and it's going to take you some time to get used to them being together but don't ruin Amelia's happiness. You may think you're doing her a favor, but you're only hurting not only yourself but Amelia as well and what was once love and admiration for you will soon turn into resentment and hatred, and I just couldn't bare the thought of her hating any of her brothers. You all are very sweet and mean well but Amelia is just like all of you, very stubborn and wants it done her way, so let her decide her own way."

"I can't see myself easily just letting this go,"

"Well then you go talk to Chris yourself and let him tell you how he feels. The other day you or Landon didn't give him the opportunity to explain himself so now that some time has passed, you can ask him everything you want to know without getting too upset."

"I want to thank you, baby."

"For what?"

"For remaining loyal to Amelia but also being understanding and considerate of my needs. You've calmed me down with your sweet voice and presence, and I've even managed to see things the other way, I still have not fully accepted it but I can somewhat sympathize." He said as she smiled and kissed his lips

"Oh wonderful, this makes me so happy. One day you will not even worry about any of this, but for now I'm happy where you are."

"It took everything in me not to come find you the other day and choke the living shit out of you." Evan stated to Chris as Evan and Landon were sitting across from him

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