Chapter 54: Cleanout

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~Trinity's POV~

It's going on near a month now since Sebastian went on his trip to Texas and at first I thought I wasn't going to miss him all that much and I would really enjoy having the bed all to myself, it was nice for the first week but now I'm getting lonely.

We talk every night on FaceTime and sometimes even multiple times throughout the day but I'm missing him so. I never realized how much my life truly revolves around him, or that I'm just that deep in love with him that I'm at the point where I can't stand to be away from him for too long

I don't know, maybe it's just one of those things that happen when you've been with someone everyday and then they leave for an extended period of time and you miss them.

Also during this time, the neighbors and I have gotten to know each other quite well. There's a new couple from Kansas that moved in across the street two months ago; Jeanine and Marcus Griffin and they are some very nice people.

The two are expecting their first child together and I offered to help in anyway I can and they were both delighted and in no time they would call me up and ask for help.
"I really do appreciate this Trinity, I know Jeanine and I have been bothering you nonstop lately." Marcus said as I opened the door for him to come inside

"It's no problem, I enjoy helping others, besides I needed to get rid of these millions of baby cribs I have, I'm not having anymore children anytime soon and it's just collecting dust in the closet."

"You are my saving grace and I appreciate this dearly, Jeanine and I would be totally lost without your help." He said giving me a hug

"I told you it's no problem, I don't mind helping, this house is flooded with stuff I don't need or want anymore and it's about time I get rid of it."

Will Sebastian be alright with you giving away an old crib?"

"Of course he'll be okay with it, I used to get a new one every pregnancy."

"He would buy you a new crib every time you'd have a new baby?"

"Not him but the friends of his."

"Oh, he has some very generous friends."

"Tell me about it." I said as we stopped at the bottom of the staircase as before Marcus came over I was moving the crib downstairs so it would be easier to carry and I could get the right parts.

I began gathering up all the parts as he helped me tote them outside to his car and stuffed it in the trunk. "You think you should've cleaned out your trunk before coming over?" I joked as his trunk was filled with boxes of diapers, wipes and some clothes

"I forgot all about it, the only thing I was concerned with was making Jeanine happy and getting this crib to set up in the room."

"Ah yes the nesting stage, has she picked any colors to paint the room?" I asked as he pulled his phone out

"As a matter of fact she sent this to me yesterday and said she wanted the room to look like this if it's a little boy and if it's a girl then I'll change the color and put flowers on the wall instead."

"Aww how cute, which reminds me I forgot about the mobile that comes with it. It has like six parts and you can interchange it however you want."

"I'll get it for you," He said as we went back inside and I opened the side closet and pointed to him which one he should get meanwhile Coco and Meadow kept circling around and was jumping over me trying to get my attention

"I've played with you both all day, leave me alone for five minutes." I said as Marcus was getting the mobile parts together

I heard a car door slam and at first didn't think anything of it until I heard the alarm go off. Front door open. "Oh shit Sebastian's here, I'm sorry but you gotta hide in here until he leaves." I said quickly leaving the room and Marcus grabbed my hand in fright

"Wait why? We weren't doing anything, I just came over to get a baby crib."

"I know, but just the thought of another man in the house alone with me will send him off the deep end, just trust me and I'll let you out when he leaves, but please try and stay quiet, I don't want any trouble."

"Trinity! Babe, you here?!"

"Just stay quiet." I said pushing him back in the closet and shutting the door as I walked around the corner to find Sebastian heading upstairs

"Babe, what are you doing home so soon?"

"I thought I'd surprise you since I've been missing you for the month." He smiled as he came downstairs and went to hug me

He tightly wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my neck and took a long sniff. "You been somewhere today?" He asked looking at me and letting me go

"No, why?"

"I smell cologne on you and I know that I don't have anything that smells like that and neither do you."

"Oh, well I don't know." I shrugged as I thought he would just leave it alone but this is Sebastian, he hardly ever lets anything go

"You been around some other man?"

"What? No, come on now, I don't miss you that much to be with someone else."

"Well I'm just curious, maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid. You know I love you."

"Of course and you know I wouldn't do anything to make you not trust me." I said as a loud thud came from the closet as I was yelling and kicking myself in my thoughts

Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows together, "What was that?" He asked and before I could begin to explain he walked past me as I had to quickly grab his arm to stop him from going towards the closet

"It's probably something that fell down, I was cleaning it out earlier and it's most likely one of the cribs or baskets that fell over."

"Well let me get it up for you."

"No, I got it."

"Why not? Are you hiding something from me?"

"No I'm not hiding anything but I know how you get and before I know it you would've cleaned out the entire closet for me in no time, leaving me with nothing to do, so it's best if you don't even look inside." I said as he cracked a smile

"Ok, I won't open the door but I don't mind helping you out."

"Yes I know, but, I do know one way you could help me out."

"And what's that?"

"Is if you'd give me some sweet dreams of the day, I've been craving it for awhile now." I said taking his hand and placing them on my breasts as he began to squeeze them

"Mmm, I think I can do that, but first I'm gonna head to the bathroom, I've been holding it for awhile now." He said walking off to the bathroom and as soon as he closed the door I rushed over to the closet to let out Marcus

"I'm so sorry about this. I definitely owe you one." I whispered to him as he got the mobile and I carried the extra parts to his car

"I'm just glad I was able to get the crib, now I don't have to worry about Jeanine jumping over me, I really do appreciate this Trinity."

"No problem, and tell Jeanine that I hope she likes it and I'll have some clothes for her later on in the week."

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

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