Chapter 21: One and Done

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Four Months Later
~Trinity's POV~

"You're doing very well since we started six months ago." My physical therapist, Tasha, said to me as I finished up my workout for the day

"I'm feeling better as well. I go to my yoga class with my friends and I get a massage twice a week, things couldn't be better."

"I'm glad, you seem like you have a good handle on everything so I think today is your last day. Of course if you're feeling any pain or discomfort, don't hesitate to call and we'll get you back in."

"Thank you so much for all your help."

"Not a problem, and good luck with the baby."

"Thank you." I said as I was walking back to the front as Lucas and Mason were half asleep in the chair while Sebastian was on the phone

"Hurray you're done." Lucas said as he perked up

"Yes I'm done and even better news is I don't have to come back anymore."

"Yay! You're finally better!" Mason said hugging me as Sebastian stood up and we began to leave

"Good job babe, you want a steak or lobster? We'll celebrate."

"I guess steak."

"Lorenzo, get two steaks and two lobsters for the boys." He said as the twins smiled

"You're getting the boys lobster? Won't that be a little much?"

"It'll be fine. You know what, Lorenzo, get an extra steak, wifey's eating for two and she may want seconds." He said as I nudged him and he started laughing and tried to kiss me
"I love you."

"Don't even try it." I said as we got in the car

I can't believe I'm seven months pregnant already with two months left. And I also can't believe that it's been nearly six months now since Sebastian and I have had sex.

I know deep down he's not been too thrilled about it but he hasn't complained and has been concerned with my well-being; I couldn't ask for a better husband than him as he's been super nice and attentive to me throughout this whole ordeal

"How was it?" Sebastian asked me as I finished my food and I did end up eating the second steak

"It was good, thank you for the wonderful meal." I said leaning over to kiss his cheek

"You're welcome."

"Ew." Lucas said scrunching up his face

"Oh shut up, it's not gross it's beautiful." Sebastian said

"It is too gross,"

"What's so gross about showing our love?"

"Everything."  He said as I chuckled

"Well then why don't you just leave us be."

"Thank you." Lucas said getting out of the chair  and Mason did the same

"Wait, I'm coming with you."

"What's wrong with those two?" Sebastian asked me as he watched the twins leave the dining room

"You know how kids are, everything is gross to them, they'll grow out of it. But, I'm glad we're alone, we haven't spent much quality time together in quite a while."

"You're right, it feels like an eternity, but I'm a patient man and I'll wait until you're good and ready."

"Well, I'm ready right now." I said sliding my hand across his thigh

"Right now right now?"

"Not right now, but we can go upstairs and have some fun."

"Are you sure you're ready? I don't mind waiting a little longer. I went this long, what's two and half months." He shrugged as I was a little offended by what he said and I folded my arms

"What? What did I do?"

"Are you cheating on me?" I asked as he burst out laughing

"You're kidding right?"

"No I'm not, I'm offering myself to you and you're not interested, so you must be getting attention elsewhere by how calm you are."

"Babe, you're starting to sound a little delusional."

"Delusional? Sebastian, I know you and at any given opportunity to fuck me you'll take it, I'm giving you permission to do so and you turn me down, so you must be fucking some other bitch."

"Trin, there's no one else but you so please get your mind off of some other imaginary woman because she doesn't exist." He said as I scoffed and began to get up

"I'm not listening to this anymore." I said as he got up and grabbed my arm to pull me closer towards him

"Aye, who the fuck said you could leave?" He said looking me in the eyes as I slowly licked my lips and couldn't help getting turned on
"Like I said, there is no other woman, you're the only one I want and I'll fuck you when I damn well please." He said rubbing my ass and gave it a squeeze

"Now take your horny ass upstairs so I can have dessert."

"Yes, daddy." I said biting my bottom lip

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