Chapter 18: Back In Town

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"We should've came home earlier, I feel terrible." Marlena said as her and Nicole were sitting by Trinity's bedside

"That's why I didn't call, I wanted you two to enjoy your well deserved vacation and anniversary gift, you two coming back early wasn't going to change anything."

"You're right, but at least we could've been by your side the entire time." Nicole added

"Well you're by my side now."

"And apparently we're not alone." Marlena said as she looked over at the open door to one of the bodyguards sitting in a chair on the outside while looking down at his phone as Trinity giggled

"Of course that's Sebastian's idea, when he's not here he wants me to be monitored at all times but also have some privacy, so the door has to stay open and they stand outside."

"Is he afraid someone will try to kidnap you?" Nicole asked

"He doesn't want me to hurt myself if I were to get up or if I need something from downstairs."

"So how many times do you leave the bed?"

"In the beginning it was roughly four, and now it's probably ten. I try to move around a bit more since I started my physical therapy a few days ago."

"What all do you do?" Marlena asked

"Right now they're focusing on moving the soreness from my body by doing some stretching and I'll keep going from there."

"You said you're not moving much, but yet I notice that your toenails are freshly painted, what's up with that?" Nicole said as Trinity smiled

"Carmen came by earlier and did them for me, you like?"

"Big mouth, Carmen?" Marlena asked

"Yes, that Carmen."

"I gotta hand it to her, she did a pretty good job." Nicole said

"I agree with Nicole, light pink is definitely your color."

"Thanks, it also matches the new Burkin babe got me, isn't it cute?" Trinity said showing them her new purse that she had beside her

"Thanks, it also matches the new Burkin babe got me, isn't it cute?" Trinity said showing them her new purse that she had beside her

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"Very cute, however just not cute enough to spend my entire life savings on it." Marlena said

"Don't sweat it, if you want one I'll get you one."

"Really?" Marlena smiled, "Well in that case I'll have one in white." She said as Nicole nudged her


"Trin, don't buy her any purse she doesn't even wear the ones I buy her." Nicole said

"That's because they're not Burkins."

"Like I have a quarter of a million dollars to spend on something you still wouldn't wear. Trin, don't even waste your money, I'd buy her a backpack if you want to be generous."

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