Chapter 2: Close Call

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^Sebastian's mansion^

"Lo voglio fatto in fretta." Sebastian said on the phone as he was driving with Trinity in the passenger seat
(I want it done quick.)
"Non appena si sveglia, falla finita."
(As soon as he wakes up, just get it over with.)

He soon hung up the phone and concentrated back on the road. "Is there a reason why you never taught me how to speak Italian?" She asked breaking the silence

"No, I just never got around to it."

"Well why don't we start now, what was that you said on the phone?" She asked as he glanced at her with a smile and rubbed her knee

"Some things just aren't worth knowing."

"Is that your way of saying you ordered someone to be killed?"

"Killed, that's such a harsh word don't you think?"

"Well isn't that what you do?" She asked

"My dear Trinity, you've changed from the start."

"Yeah back then I was naive and believed anything you told me, now I know better."

"Now that you know, then there's no use in hiding it anymore, however there's still some things I keep from you because I don't want you getting involved in anyway."

"That's very noble of you." She said as he chuckled

"One thing that hasn't changed about you is your smart mouth."

"I never thought it was an issue, you never said anything about it so you must've liked it."

"I did, and I also missed it very much amongst other things." He said as he pulled up the driveway to a beautiful home.

He got out as Trinity was a little in awe of how nice the house looked, he goes around to her side, opens the door for her and helps her out while getting her bag from the backseat
"Nice house you picked out."

"Thanks, I figured we'd need the room." He said smiling while rubbing her belly

He grabs her hand and lead her to the door as she walked in, "Woah, I know you didn't decorate yourself."

"I watched those home improvement videos that you liked to watch and took a few pointers and I also hired a personal decorator for the furniture and the paint colors."

"It's nice to know you listened and took my advice on a few things."

"See, I told you I changed. You hungry?"

"I am."

"Don't worry about it, go take you a nice hot shower and when you come back I'll have you a nice meal ready and waiting for you, anything special you want?"

"I'll eat anything really,"

"Ok, I think I can get something together. The room is down the hall, to the left and last door on the end." She got her bag and went upstairs to find the bedroom

When she finally found it, it was like walking into an apartment. The room was so spacious despite the king size bed and furniture all around.

She explored the large walk-in closet and all the clothes that she assumed to be hers all nicely organized and stacked perfectly, she instantly fell in love. "I could get used to this." She said throwing her suitcase down on the floor and going through the new set of clothes for something to wear

After she found a light pink nightgown, she went over to the bathroom and couldn't decide on whether she wanted to shower or take a bath as both were looking very tempting.

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