Chapter 103: New York

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Today was the day Evan had promised Sarai he would take her to New York as she has been hyped to go since he picked out a date.

She's already had things mapped out of where she wanted to go and what she wanted to buy so Evan already planned to stay overnight to do everything she wanted.

"I saw how much parking is in the city, could we possibly take the subway? I've never been on one before."

"I know you want the full New York experience but getting on the subway is where I draw the line. Trust me, you don't want to get on there. It smells, it's crowded and insane people overtake the whole thing. Don't worry about the price of parking, I'd rather spend it than deal with the subway."

"Okay, maybe some other time."

"The store you want to go to is not a long drive, roughly five blocks." While Sarai sat in the car she was looking up all the different things she was interested in buying and was adding more things to her list

She couldn't wait until she got there to see everything in person and even checking out restaurants close by that she wanted to try.

"How much do you think you'll spend today?" Evan asked glancing at her

"I'm not sure, I hope it's not over two hundred." She said as Evan chuckled

"Forget it babe, you can spend that in five minutes. Go higher, it's okay I got you."

"Okay, five hundred."

"Alright, is that your final decision?"

"Yes, I don't think I'll go over that."

"Ok, I'll say a thousand."

"That's too much."

"We'll see once the day is over just how much you really spent." He said as he took her hand and kissed it as he held it

"Baby, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." He said

"It's about your ex."


"I know you love me and I love you too but what if for whatever reason you go back to her?" She asked as he scoffed

"That'll never happen. I've never went back to any of my exes, unless for sex then I don't need them anymore. Believe me when I say it, I know I sound harsh on the way I say things but I'm being honest. If I truly wanted to be with my ex, I would tell you and probably try to have a threesome. I don't want any of them, I want you and only you. I freely open up my heart and soul to you to show you I'm serious. I'm in love with you."

"I believe you, and I trust that you'll be committed to me, just like I'm committed to you."

They made it to the store as Sarai was super excited to go in as Evan ended up carrying the basket around with the clothes she picked out

"What do you think about this one babe?" Sarai asked holding up a yellow sundress

"I don't like it."

"You don't? Why not?"

"It's too bright. It looks like a highlighter to me. Now I wouldn't mind you wearing something like this." He said picking up a lacy lingerie set with a thong

She blushed as she took it out of his hand and put it back. "Come on babe be serious."

"I am, just thinking about that nice big ass of yours in a thong, oh shit I'm gonna get you three of them." He said picking out three of different colors

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