Chapter 15: Freak Accident

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"Congratulations on your two year anniversary, and here's to many more." Trinity said to Marlena and Nicole as they all took a shot of gin

"Thanks Trin, these two years have been the best." Marlena said

"I love you more now than I ever did." Nicole said giving Marlena a kiss

"Aww stop it, you two are gonna make me cry, but before I get all mushy I have a special gift for you two." Trinity said giving them an envelope as Nicole opened it

"No way, you didn't." Nicole said shocked as Marlena looked inside the envelope

"Trin! Are you serious?!"

"Yep." Trinity smiled as Marlena started jumping up and down

"Babe! We're going to Jamaica!" She beamed while hugging Nicole and went over and kissed Trinity
"I fucking love you, man."

"I love you too."

"Wow, you even have us flying first class, you didn't have to do all of that." Nicole said

"I know but I wanted to, you two are my best friends and you would give the shirts off your back to help me, and I know how much y'all have been wanting to go to Jamaica so it was the least I could do."

"This is the greatest gift ever, we truly appreciate it."

"I want you two happy and most importantly to enjoy yourselves, no one deserves it more than you two."

"So what will you be doing while we're away?" Marlena asked

"Well, Sebastian planned on taking me and the twins to Disney World, we haven't told them yet, we wanted it to be a surprise when we get on the road and he also invited Sara and Lorenzo to come with us."

"That's sweet, I know they'll have a fun time there."

"And me too, I can't wait to ride the teacups." Trinity grinned

"Girl you are so silly." Marlena chuckled

Two days later

"Babe, did you eat all of the cookies?" Trinity asked Sebastian as she was looking in the refrigerator and he walks in while Adrianna was putting away dishes

"There was only five left, and how was I supposed to know Lorenzo would drop his kid off here all day, an extra mouth isn't in my food budget." He said as she closed the refrigerator

"You seem to take up most of the budget, well anyway I'm going to the store to pick up some more snacks, you want anything?"

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