Chapter 13: Forgive Me

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~Trinity's POV~

It's been a few days since I've came home and I was nervous about coming back, I didn't wanna go through what I did at the hotel again, he had no mercy with me and I was afraid he was gonna rip me apart

He said he's forgiven me, but I still feel deep down inside that he hasn't. I shouldn't have lied to him to begin with knowing what might happen, but I took it for granted that he would be alright with it.

The balcony door was open and I could smell the faint smell of smoke. I tossed back the covers and walked over to the door to see him sitting down in his boxers smoking a cigar

I walked out and stood in front of him as he blew smoke from his nose. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry."

"I told you that's over with."

"I know, but I feel as though you're still upset and I don't want you to be mad anymore, I've learned my lesson and I promise I won't do it again." I said getting down on my knees in front of him as I moved my hands up his thighs

I pulled his boxers down as I began to stroke him, "I'm sorry for upsetting you, daddy I won't do it again." I said kissing his head and moving down his length

I gave him a lick and stuck my hot mouth on his dick while continuing to stroke him. He lightly brushed my hair out of my face as I took all of him in my mouth

He sat back in his chair while still smoking the cigar as I bobbed my head up and down. "How can I stay mad at you when you suck my dick so good."

He lovingly stroked my hair as I deep-throated him, while wiggling my face around. I came back up for air as I kissed and sucked on his balls
"Are you still mad at me?"

"Of course not babe, all is forgiven." He said as I reached up to kiss him

He stroked my cheek with his finger as he lovingly kissed my lips. I got back down between his legs and started sucking him off again as he leaned forward and grabbed by ass, "I could get used to this kind of treatment." He said as he leaned back and puffed his cigar

I wiped my mouth as I got off of the ground and smoothed down my frizzy hair. Sebastian got up and fixed himself as he leaned me against the balcony wall.

He kissed me down my neck as he gently massaged my pussy through my pajama shorts. "I think you've learned your lesson."

"I have, I shouldn't have done that to you and I'm sorry."

"I accept your apology." He said taking his hand away and putting it on both sides of me onto the wall so I couldn't go anywhere
"And what do you suppose to say pumpkin?"

"Thank you, daddy." I said as he smiled and kissed my lips

"I love hearing you say that, I can never get enough of it."

"Can I ask a favor from you daddy?"

"What is it?"

"Can I have some money to get my hair fixed, please?"

"You're asking me for money already? You don't stop do you?"

"Pretty please?" I pouted

"Alright, I did kinda screw it up, so you can have the money."

"Thank you."

"Whatever, now this means you won't let me touch it for a week." He said walking back in the room

~Omniscient POV~

"Are you still taking the twins to their doctors appointment?" Trinity asked Sebastian as he was in the closet changing his shirt

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