Chapter 78: Night From Hell

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Sebastian and Trinity rushed to the hospital as soon as Evan called them. On the way Trinity couldn't help herself as she felt responsible for what happened

They made it as the only other person in her room was Evan. He stood up once they entered the room and Trinity immediately went to Amelia's bedside as she was asleep. "How is she?" Sebastian asked Evan

"She's fine, the drugs are wearing off on her and she's been in and out of sleep, and uh.."

"What? What is it?" Trinity asked as Evan put his head down

"The person that did this was a guy and he... raped her." He said quietly as Trinity gasped and Sebastian shut his eyes as a sharp pain formed in his chest
"She's gonna be sore for awhile."

"My poor baby." Trinity said touching Amelia's hand as tears began to fall from her eyes

"Thank you son for being there for your sister, I really appreciate it." Sebastian said as he had tears in his eyes

"No problem dad, it's my job."

"Daddy." Amelia slowly spoke as she began to open her eyes and the first person she saw was Sebastian

He quickly went towards her and kissed her forehead. "My Princess, daddy's here."

"Mommy." She said noticing Trinity as she was scared to death of her reaction and how angry she must be at her right now
"Mommy I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Shh, don't worry about that, everything's okay."

"So you're not mad?"

"No, I'm not concerned about that right now all I'm worried about is you, and hoping you get better soon." She said as she kissed her forehead and brushed her hair out of her face

"I'm so sorry mommy I should've listened, I didn't mean to I'm sorry." Amelia cried as Trinity shushed her and comforted her with a hug

"It's alright you're still my baby and I love you very much."

Amelia was able to return home the next day and immediately Sebastian took her out of school and opted for homeschool.

She stayed in her room the entire day as she didn't answer her phone but hide under the covers and occasionally watch something on TV

Everyone was at the house in the family room highly pissed off and upset that someone would violate Amelia

Sebastian kept pacing the floor with his gun tucked into his pants while Trinity sat quietly on the loveseat sipping a glass of scotch. "Dad you're gonna walk a hole in your shoes." Landon said as Sebastian ran his hands over his face

"Fuck! I'm gonna kill that bastard!"

"I think we'll all help with that one." Mason said

"Sorry to bother you sir but all the extra outside cameras you asked for have been installed." Jimmy said

"Thank you. It's been about an hour since anyone checked on Amelia, I'm gonna see how she's doing." Sebastian said going off upstairs

"Mrs. Moretti did you need anything before I leave."

"No." She said shaking her head

"Ok, I'll be back unless if you need anything."

"Actually, I would like to ask you something."

"Yes ma'am go ahead." Jimmy said

"Be honest with me, is it strange having a woman tell you what to do?"

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