Chapter 51: Special Guest

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Two Weeks Later

~Trinity's POV~

"Mmm, something smells good in here." Sebastian said walking into the kitchen as he came up behind me, wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzles his face in my neck
"But you smell even better." He said as I giggled and began to swat him away

"Come on babe, I'm trying to finish the food."

"Alright, I know you're a perfectionist when it comes to cooking. May I try a little bit?"

"Sure." I said as he got a spoon from the drawer and dipped it into the pot I just finished stirring up

"That's good, but where's the meat? I thought you put some in there."

"There's no meat in here, it's a meatless onion and potato soup."

"Ok, one dish without meat is fine. What's in this pan here?" He asked pointing to an aluminum pan that was on the other side of the stove

"Cauliflower and vegan beef."

"Vegan beef?"

"Yes, it actually tastes really good." I said as he sighed

"Trin, I know you're a fanatic of salads and vegetables which is totally fine and I think it's great that you enjoy vegetables as much as you do, but I draw the line at vegan beef. I'm a meat eater and it's gonna stay that way so no matter how many veggie burgers you bring in here, I'm still not changing my mind."

"Honey, I'm not trying to change your mind on anything, this is for my friend, Samantha, from my yoga class. She's a vegan and I invited her over and I didn't want her to feel left out as we eat meat and she has her lonely bean salad, so I fixed a few things with no meat or animal products and I think they turned out okay."

"You're friends with a vegan? Oh boy, this should be interesting."

"She's very nice and I want you to be nice as well." I said as he scoffed and rolled his eyes

"I'm always nice."

"I mean it, Sebastian, please be a little courteous."

"Alright fine I'll be on my best behavior." He said as I kissed him and the door bell sounded

"Thank you. Now go put on some pants." I said as he scoffed

"Aw come on babe, it's bad enough you have me eating vegan beef and now you want me to put on pants too? What's next, you want me to wear a tie as well?"

"Honey, you wear shorts all day everyday, and you promised you'd be nice, so at least put in a little effort."

"Fine, but you owe me big time for this." He said leaving the kitchen as I went to go answer the door

"Sorry I took so long, I was making sure everything was set just right." I said opening the door and letting Samantha inside as she looked around the house in awe

"That's totally fine. I must say you have a very beautiful home,"

"Thank you, and this must be your famous bean salad." I said

"Oh yes, I was up all night getting it ready for you and I know you'll like it." She beamed as we walked through the living room as Evan and Mason were playing with their toys and Lucas and Landon were playing with Amelia.
"Oh my goodness, your kids are adorable! Especially your baby girl she looks just like you."

"Boys, come say hello to my friend, Ms. Samantha." I said as they all got up and said hello

"You all are so cute! I'm so happy to finally see you in person, your mom tells me how wonderful you boys are.
Trinity, they are the absolute cutest set of kids I've ever seen."

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