Chapter 104: Outing

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"We're taking Sarai out for the day, so that means you're staying here." Natalie said to Evan

"I can't just sit in the back?"

"No, you've been hooked to Sarai ever since you two got here, she needs a break from you, although she won't tell you that to hurt your feelings."

"Sarai, is that true?" Evan asked as Natalie stepped in

"Don't answer that dear, let him think whatever he wants."

"Come on grandma, that's the reason we're here so we can be together." Evan said as Salvatore stepped up

"Evan, lascia riposare la ragazza."
(Evan, let the girl rest.)

"Forza nonno, si riposa quando io dormo." He smirked as he grabbed Sarai's hand and kissed it
(Come on grandpa, she is resting when I'm sleeping.)

"Passerà la giornata con noi e tu rimarrai qui."
(She's going to spend the day with us and you will stay here.)

"Si signore."
(Yessir." Evan nodded as Salvatore patted Evan on the back
"Babe, I'll see you when you come back. Have fun, take lots of pictures and don't forget about me."

"I could never forget about you, I'll send you a picture of everything that we do, so you won't be too lonely."

"Thank you. I'll miss you very much." He said giving her a kiss

"I'll be back before you know it."

"You promise?" He asked as she grinned

"Of course, you know I love you."

"Don't worry dear, we will make sure she is safe the entire time and she's in good hands. The day will just fly by when you're not preoccupied with her coming back, enjoy the piece and quiet while you can." Natalie said as she took Sarai by the hand and pulling her along to leave

An hour later they arrived at a store as Salvatore took a seat in one of the chairs. "Today feels like a black card day, honey. I'm in the mood to buy everything." Natalie said with a smile as Salvatore got his wallet and gave Natalie another card

"Use this one instead, it's the only one you haven't racked up a bill on for the month."

"I'll take it, would you like me to get you some special?"

"No, I'm fine. You just enjoy I'll be alright." He answered as Natalie and Sarai walked away while Natalie went straight for the clothes

"How many of his cards have you used for this month?" Sarai asked as Natalie shrugged

"I'm not really sure, if I had to guess at least six. I've gotten to the point where I go to the same places and they know me, and I use the same cards, I'll tell them which card I'm using for the day."

"That's a lot of shopping, does he ever get mad about how much you spend?"

"Not really, Sal is a very laid back individual in general. He doesn't like disruption in his routine unless it's something he likes, however when he's upset it's time to clear the room. His temper is off the charts, however he's not like that anymore. I think mostly because he's older now and there's no need to be temperamental all the time. He's now very much so stuck in his ways and just wants peace."

"I can tell, he also doesn't seem like a person to have a temper." Sarai said as Natalie chuckled

"I've know him since I was fifteen and trust me he hides it very well, but deep down it's still in there. If he gets mad enough it'll come out."

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"You obviously know Evan better than I do, things are great between us now but what about when we have a disagreement or a big argument and I've seen how he is with other people that annoy him or make him upset and he says very hurtful things with no remorse that will honestly make me cry if he said anything like that to me.
I guess what I'm asking is how can I avoid all of that? If possible."

"I'm gonna be honest with you dear, there's no way to avoid an argument or disagreement because you will eventually have them. They may not be this big deal or last longer than five minutes but a disagreement is inevitable, you cannot escape it. Now as far as Evan going off on you like he does with others, I will say this, he makes sure to protect and be as impartial as he can to the ones he loves dearly. For instance his relationship with Landon, sure it's very strange and one sided but believe me if anyone else dared to talk or treat Landon the way Evan treats him, he would go completely ballistic and would want to go on a rampage.
I know he is quick tempered and is easily annoyed by the smallest thing but you won't have to worry about him going off on you in a hurtful manner, he loves you too much and will do whatever it takes to keep you.
He's blessed to have such a wonderful woman like you in his life and he would be an absolute fool to let you go and I truly believe he knows that as well, he goes above and beyond to prove his love to you and will do whatever to keep you by his side." Natalie said to Sarai as this began to make her feel better

"I love him too and I as well want to prove my love for him that I will always be committed to him and only him. I'm glad he's able to understand my heart and know that I'm serious about him and that my love for him is genuine and its not because of what I can receive from him. Sure it's nice to have all the money, and connections to get whatever you want but I didn't fall in love with him for what I could get, but I fell in love with him because he was a good man to me, we started out as friends and that slowly transitioned to us dating and being in a relationship to now a serious committed relationship where we plan on marrying each other and every day when I wake up after I pray I dream of my wedding day and when I can finally say that I'm Evan's wife." She smiled

"He can't wait for that day as well, you two are made for each other and I'm excited for what the future will hold for you two. Both of you are very smart, and beautiful people that will be amazing doctors in the future, no doubt about that. You'll make an excellent wife and Evan will make a phenomenal husband and together you two will be unstoppable.
But be warned, there's going to be very envious and jealous people out there that want your spot or want to see you miserable like they are because their lives didn't amount to anything and they're mad but you can't let them bring you down.
They're to be ignored and not given any chances to do anything because all they want to do is cause chaos and disruption in whatever peaceful situation you're in. Don't ever feel bad for not letting those leeches in, trust me you're life will go on so much better and you won't have to worry yourself with being involved in petty, useless drama."

"I have a feeling his ex won't leave him alone after she showed up to Amelia's party a few weeks ago."

"Don't allow her to run over you. If she does happen to resurface again, let her know who's boss and remember dear, you'll be a Moretti soon and show her why it's never a good idea to mess with us Moretti women, we're the real shot callers and more dangerous and deadly than our men."

"I don't want to threaten anyone." She said as Natalie grinned

"It's not a threat, but a friendly promise. And don't be ashamed to use your womanly essence to persuade your man, at times he needs a little bit of motivation to get the job done and overall this is for the protection of you. Always put yourself first and protect yourself at all times, by any means necessary. Sometimes you have to show that nasty side of yourself to get the results you want because no one plays fair always, so you have to beat them at their own game."

"I'm not sure if I can do that just yet."

"I hope it never comes down to it, but I just hope your self protection instinct will come out if you were to be attacked by the ex, but I pray that never happens but it's always good to be prepared."

What was Evan doing while he was at the house by himself?

Do you see Evan and Sarai getting into a huge argument/disagreement with each other that he'll say something mean to Sarai?

And how do you feel about Sarai being concerned about the ex coming back

And lastly, do you agree with Natalie's advice to use her 'name' if things get out of hand or to avoid all together.

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

Tied to the Don [BWWM]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora