Chapter 125: Having Doubts

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"Mom, what if we don't like it here?" Mason asked Trinity

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"Mom, what if we don't like it here?" Mason asked Trinity

"Yeah, I for one will miss your cooking and the wonderful hugs you give when I'm having a bad day." Lucas added

"Your father thinks this is the best thing for the both of you and I think so as well. He's put his trust in you two and he wants you to succeed. Besides it's time you start to be on your own anyway, we can't keep babying you for the rest of your lives."

"Sure you can, we've been good until now." Lucas said as Trinity chuckled

"You better not let Sebastian hear you say that."

"How long do we have to stay here?" Mason asked

"I'm not sure, he never said but while you're here make the best of it and learn all you can." She said as Mason had a few tears in his eyes.

Lucas noticed as he nudged Mason in the arm and tears were forming in his eyes as well, "Come on man, you're making me cry."

"We've never been away from home before."

"I know it's scary but you can do it." Trinity said as she gave Mason a hug and he tightly held on to her while Lucas stood there desperately needing a hug from Trinity as well

"Honey, Amelia is on the phone she wants to talk to you." Sebastian said as he walked into the living room

She lets go of Mason, gave Lucas a quick hug and kiss on the cheek as she went over and took the phone from Sebastian

"Crying to mommy how cute, why don't you just go back to being breastfed I'm sure you'll be okay with that." Sebastian said as the two quickly wiped their eyes of any stray tears

"Dad we don't understand why you're being so mean to us, all we said is that we'll miss her." Lucas spoke

"And that's exactly why we're here, because you don't understand. You don't understand why I'm so hard on you two, why I expect more and push you to your limits. I've been through things that would really make you cry and probably hide under the bed. One day you two will thank me for what I've done but right now I'm okay with being the heartless dad, you will realize that this whole time I truly have your best interest at heart and I do care.
But right now you both need to learn, mommy can't save you anymore. It's a cold world out there and it's time you save yourself."

"How long are you gonna make us stay here?" Lucas asked

"Until you're ready, which means that's on you two."

"But what if we just can't do it?" Mason asked as Sebastian shrugged

"Don't bother coming back, because I don't need you."

"You mean you'll kick us out of the family?"

"Yes. A true Moretti never gives up no matter how hard it gets. Plus you'll disown your birthright so why keep you around? You both may be of my flesh and blood but you will not be apart of this family anymore if you choose to quit." He said as they both sadly held their heads down

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