Chapter 45: Almost Time

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Two Years Later

~Trinity's POV~

"Babe, hurry up!" Sebastian called out to me as I was in the bathroom secretly taking my birth control pills.

"Just a minute!" I said as I quickly swallowed the pill, and drunk some water. I hide the pills inside of a tampon box in the back of my drawer.

I smoothed my hair back as I left the bathroom and cut the light out. "Damn baby, what took you so long?" He asked as I was making my way to bed

"Sorry, I was fixing my hair."

"It looks nice and I promise I won't mess it up." He said as I got into bed and he slid over towards me as he wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my shoulder
"I think I'm about ready to knock you up again."

"Honey, we already have four children, don't you think that's enough?"

"Nope, if I could I'd have ten."


"Yes." He smiled. "Five boys and five girls."

"Well honey I don't think my body can take pushing out six more kids."

"Of course I wouldn't want you to do that, but I would like for us to have more, having a big family has always been my goal from the start."

"And what about what I want? You're not the one pushing any babies out."

"You want the same things I do, a loving family that will accept you no matter what and will never judge. Now enough of this talking, I'm ready to get down to business." He said pushing me back on the pillow

"How are things with you and Sebastian lately?"

"Things are great, I couldn't ask for anything better, but in a way things have changed." I answered

"Like what?"

"For instance, when we have sex now, it used to feel romantic and loving, and at times it still does when he gets in a romantic mood, but most of the time when we have sex it's all for the purpose of me getting pregnant. I feel like that's all he's concerned about is me pregnant."

"Have you expressed your concerns to him about how you feel?"

I sighed, "I've tried, but all he does is laugh it off and say I'm overreacting."

"And how does that make you feel when he says that?"

"Maybe I am overreacting. Whatever concerns I may have about anything, I talk with Sebastian and he does everything to solve the problem, so it's not like he doesn't care or listens to me. I don't know, I guess I just need someone new to vent to I guess." I shrugged as Dr. Larkins took off her glasses

"Well Trinity in my personal opinion, I feel that you're not overreacting for thinking that all your husband wants you for these days is to produce another child, even if truly that's not his intentions.
You've talked earlier how he adores the boys and wishes for more because they bring meaning to his life. You are the one that can facilitate the meaning for him, hence why he's so eager to have children again.
And let's not forget that he's slightly older than you and he's more inclined to have as many children because eventually he won't be able to. Plus this also gives him a bit of an ego boost, his attractive young wife pushes out a baby and snaps right back like nothing ever happened, so in his mind he thinks, I'm gonna do it again because I can and she's still gonna be gorgeous afterwards.
If this is something that really concerns you then I feel that you should sit him down and talk about it.
Let him know how you truly feel and maybe he won't pressure you as much to have another, but ultimately this is your decision."

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