Chapter 58: Therapy 101

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"Come on daddy keep up." Amelia said to Sebastian as she was running around the house as he chased after her while they were pretending to race

"Daddy's tired pumpkin, can I take a break? We've been running for almost an hour now."

"Ok, but when you rest up can we go back?" She asked as he plopped down on the couch

"Sure pumpkin, but let me rest for a minute." He said as Trinity's phone started ringing. He reached over on the lamp table and saw the name Dr. Larkins
"Hello." He answered

"Hi, this is Dr. Larkins, is Trinity available?"

"No, she's out right now, I'm her husband."

"Oh okay well would you mind telling her that I'll have to cancel our appointment for Thursday and could she call me back to reschedule."

"Sure, are you the new orthopedic doctor she's seeing?"

"No, I'm here psychiatrist."

"Psychiatrist? Hmm, okay I'll give her the message."

"Thank you and you have a good day."

"Same to you." He said as he hung up the phone
"What the hell is she seeing a psychiatrist for?" He said to himself as he put the phone back on the table and Amelia jumps up in his lap with a smile

"Ok daddy it's been a minute." She said as he huffed

"Alright fine, I'm getting up."

"I swear Jeanine is getting bigger by the day, she's due any day now, remind me to send her gift over when she calls because I will surely forget." Trinity said taking off her jacket and hanging it up in the closet as he followed

"I will, and your doctor called and said could you call to reschedule, she canceled your Thursday appointment."

"Will do."

"So when were you gonna tell me that you were going to a psychiatrist."

"I was getting around to it."

"How long have you been going?"

"About two years now." She said as he scoffed

"Two years?! And I'm just now finding out?"

"I'm sorry, I really wanted to tell you myself but I was going through some emotional stuff and I wasn't ready, I hate you had to find out like this."

"Well I hope you've enjoyed your two years because you're not going back." He declared

"What?! How come?"

"Babe I'm a mob boss, and you're my wife. Going outside of the family to talk about personal things is against code and if anyone finds out then you're dead and I'm sorry, but I'm not risking it. I have enough shit to deal with, the last thing I need is for my wife running around telling strangers my business."

"But I don't talk about your business or you hardly ever. The only time you're mentioned is your reaction to my emotional episodes. She doesn't know anything of what you do or anything and it's completely confidential."

"That's what they all say until you're getting subpoenaed and all that shit you thought you were saying in confidence is being recorded and is played back in court, no Trin, I don't care what you're talking about, if anyone finds out we're both dead in the water."

"I'm finally opening up to someone who cares to help me with my issues, I know I can count on you but sometimes you just don't understand. I talk to you everyday, we listen to each other's problems but I want someone new to talk to, to understand me. For the first time I'm not treated as Sebastian's wife, I'm just Trinity, that's all I want."

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