Chapter 100: Truth's Revealed

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We Made It🥹

"I can't believe you actually said that to her!" Kelsey said as her and Mia were laughing while Sarai looked on worriedly

"I know, what was I thinking? I shouldn't have went off on her like that, but I didn't know it was her. Gosh, Evan is gonna be so mad with me."

"Have you talked to Evan about this?" Mia asked

"No, I'm afraid to."

"Don't be afraid, Evan loves you and you love him. Just be upfront and honest about what happened and no doubt he will understand. Mistakes happen and he will be lenient with you." Kelsey said

"But what if he doesn't? What if she says something to him about me, then I'll never have a chance to explain myself."

"Talk to him, he will listen to you. You didn't come across the world to be misunderstood. Tell him what happened and he will understand." Mia said as the twins came into the kitchen

"It's party time!" Lucas said

"Sorry Sarai, but we're taking the fun girls with us. We would offer you to come but Evan is on his man period today and is in no mood for partying and he will come hunt you down and probably rip our heads off for taking you out." Mason said

"That's okay, I'll just stay here until he decides to come down."

"You won't be alone because here comes Chef Landon." Lucas said as he walked into the kitchen with his girlfriend, Nekia behind him

" Lucas said as he walked into the kitchen with his girlfriend, Nekia behind him

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"There you are bro, you seem well energized." Mason teased

"Of course, that's why I'm always in a good mood. Now be gone, the master baker must be at work." Landon said as the twins smiled and walked off with their girlfriends and Nekia went to go sit in the living room

Sarai went to get up but Landon stopped her. "Oh no Sarai I wasn't talking about you, you can stay if you'd like. I know sleeping beauty upstairs is still hungover from last night."

"Thank you."

"You're so polite and pleasant, why are you with Evan again?" He asked as she smiled

"He's so wonderful, he's kind, loving, passionate, protective, and caring. I've never met anyone like him before, he loves me so very much and I can't get enough of him."

"That's sweet. He has grown a lot and for a while I thought he'd truly never get to this point. He seems genuinely happy with you and I couldn't be more happy for him. So, how are you enjoying America? You still want to live amongst us crazy people?"

"I do, all of the cool places I've been so far, and how relaxed it is. Back home I would be covered up and it still feels weird in some ways but it's so nice to just put on a shirt and shorts and not be looked down upon."

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