Chapter 36: New Addition

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~Sebastian's POV~

"Hello my son, how are things going?"

"Good, mom."

"And how are the boys and Trinity?"

"The boys are fine, you know Lucas and Mason started pre-k four months ago and Trinity is due any day now."

"Are you still having the maid to come by and clean the house?"

"Yes, mom. She'll be here everyday for the next three months and she'll go back to three times a week."

"I just don't understand why you don't have a full staff of people to do all the cleaning and cooking, it's not like you don't have the money or the room."

I heavily sighed, "You know I don't trust people, plus Trin and I like to do some stuff ourselves, and I don't want our kids to grow up to be like me."

"And what is that?"

"A privileged prick, I had everything handed to me and I was spoiled rotten that I never lifted a finger to even wipe my own ass."

"And what's wrong with that? You say it like it's a bad thing, your father and I gave you and your brothers the life we never had. Sure we may have gotten a little carried away in a few areas, but we did the best we could and I only want what's best for you and your family."

"I know, ma and I appreciate everything you and dad have done for me."

"Well, Sal and I have decided to spend this thanksgiving with Helen, you know you should come and bring Trinity and the kids."

"I don't think so, I don't want Trinity to travel right now, maybe we'll see her some other time."

"How long are you gonna be a recluse? There's more family members than just us and Lorenzo."

"Well the way I feel, those family members weren't there when I needed them most, so as far as I'm concerned, you, dad and Lorenzo is the only family I have." I said as she sighed

"Stubborn just like your father. I'm not gonna pressure you into coming, I understand Trinity will have the baby soon and I'll just have to tell the rest of the family why you're the only one not there."

"I'm sure they'll understand, family comes first right?" I grinned as she scoffed

"Yeah, family comes first." She said as Trinity walked into my office

"Hey mom I'll call you back a little later."

"Okay, tell the boys and Trinity I said hello."

"Alright will do." I said as I hung up the phone, stood up to walk over towards her and gave her a kiss
"You alright babe?"

"Yeah, I came to let you know that our lunch is here."

"Oh good, I was getting a little hungry." I said as we left my office
"You know, it's such a nice day outside why don't we go eat on the patio."

"Sounds good to me." She said as she grabbed the bag and I got the drinks

"I don't know why I keep that damn dog around, all he does is eat and sleep." I said as we were walking out and Coco is asleep in his bed

"At least he's not chewing up the furniture." We walked outside and sat down at the table as Trinity dug into the bag and passed me my plate
"Did you hear, the Livingston's are moving."

"Hurray for another white-collared, nosy as hell couple moving in, in the next three months."

"Well, you're certainly not being very neighborly."

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