Chapter 83: So Long, Evan

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"So you're really leaving?" Trinity asked Evan as her, Evan and Sebastian were at the airport.

"Yes mom, it's almost time."

Trinity heavily sighed, "Why must you leave the country? I don't like this at all, I think you're making a big mistake. You're leaving your family, new apartment and beautiful girlfriend behind, why?"

"Come on mom, be a little optimistic please. You have fifty other kids to look at, so what if one decides to leave for a little while you won't be without child. Amelia will look after my place for me and take care of Loki and as far as my girlfriend, well I gave her a little something to remember me the next time I come home." He said with a smirk as Sebastian smiled and patted his arm

"That's my boy."

"Do not take this as a open opportunity to run wild and have babies all over the place, I do want to have a grandchild but I'd much rather you be married to Annalise."

"You know me better than that, I have impeccable self control." He said as she rolled her eyes

"Yeah, you have as much self control as the man who helped create you, you're every bit of your father."

"Son, for once don't listen to your mother, she just doesn't want to see you go, all you kids are her babies for life, her pride and joy and mine as well. I don't want you to leave either but you have to be a man and stand on your own two feet so I have to let you go." Sebastian said as tears began to fall from Trinity's eyes

"Mom don't worry I'll be alright," He said as he wiped her tears away with his thumb.
"I'll be back soon and you know that, I'm way too smart to be gone for more than three years. I'll call you when I can and I'll constantly write, plus think of the beautiful vacation you two could take by visiting."

"Now we have a future trip to look forward to babe, see, it's not all that terrible."

"I guess not." She said as Evan looked at his watch

"Well it's almost time for me to go, I'll call when I land in Germany, I should have an hour layover."

"Okay, we love you very much and please don't forget to call." Trinity said as Evan gave her a hug and she squeezed him tight

"I won't leave you hanging, I'll never hear the end of it." He said as he then went on to hug Sebastian

"I love you very much son."

"I love you too dad."

"You definitely make your old man proud and I'm thankful that you are my son."

"I'm the thankful one to have you two as my parents." Evan said as the two let go of each other
"This is not a goodbye,  but a see you soon. The time will go by so fast you won't even realize that I've been gone."

"We hope so. Take care of yourself and call if you need anything, doesn't matter what it is our phone is always open."

"Yessir, I'll keep that in mind."

It's been four months later since Amelia was raped and since that time she's gone through numerous counseling sessions and continues to go twice a week and her attitude has also drastically changed.

She's no longer the prideful extrovert that was the life of the party with lots of friends but now a closed off, loner that now holds a grudge against any man because now everyone in her mind wants to take advantage of her.

"Amelia, we're back from the airport." Trinity said as she walked into her room while Amelia was lying on her bed, with her cat Pebbles curled up next to her

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