Chapter 95: Special Gift

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For the first time Sarai will not only go Christmas shopping but also buy some sexy lingerie. She brought a black wooden box with a marble top, you open it up and their picture is at the top and inside was a pen with Dr. Evan Moretti inscribed on the side, a handmade beaded necklace from her country and a small plaque at the bottom, To the one I love and adore the most with all my heart and soul, Love Sarai.

She even had it professionally wrapped so it could be perfect for Evan when he comes back. Next was the lingerie shopping as she was very nervous about going

Growing up in a strict Muslim household she wasn't exposed to a lot, especially on the topic of sex and she's had to figure it out on her own

Thankfully Evan is so kind and patient with her, and to show her appreciation to him she wanted to get something cute for him

She's been over this a million times in her head that what she's about to do could very well lead to sex and the thought of it scares her but she's also willing to accept the consequences and feels ready.

It's a new year and a new start for her as she thinks she's ready to make that first step.

With only a few more hours left until Evan returns, Sarai's getting herself mentally prepared. She's excited, nervous and also having a bit of doubt, what if he doesn't like it? Or changes his mind about everything.

She looked herself over in the mirror and touched the necklace he gave her, il mio tesoro, she smiled as it was like butterflies were flying around in her stomach. She could envision him kissing her and lovingly touching her as only he can

"You can do it, Sarai." She said in the mirror
"He loves you and you love him, you got this."

The time has arrived as Sarai was sitting on the couch anxiously waiting for Evan to walk through the door.

She had got all dressed up and made sure everything was in order for him. She could hardly wait, she was finally ready to have him in her arms again

The door opens and Evan walks in. Sarai couldn't contain herself as she jumped up and ran over to him and quickly embraced him.

"Well, someone certainly missed me." He smiled as he hugged her back

"Oh baby I'm so glad you're back."

"I'm happy to be back, I was missing you every day."

"I know you're probably ready to get a shower and get something to eat." She said letting him go as he caught her by the hand

"I know you're not gonna walk away from me without giving me a kiss."

She giggled, "Oh sorry, I'm just so excited to have you back." She said as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips while Evan pushed her closer towards him

He smiled as he rubbed her back, "My first kiss of the new year. I certainly missed those succulent lips." He said as she smiled and let him go

"I certainly missed yours as well. Are you ready for something to eat?"

"No I'm not all that hungry, I am ready for a shower though."

"Ok, I'll meet you in the room when you're done." She said

"No problem, I'm ready to get out of these clothes."

While Evan went to go shower, Sarai checked herself over in the mirror and made sure she looked good.

She puts on her lingerie and pink robe to go with it, she hopes he'll like it and won't think it's too much

He came out of the bathroom as Sarai stood up. "You're really dressed up tonight."

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