Chapter 123: Hold Me Close

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"Which would be better? Having sex before or after we see your parents?" Evan asked Sarai as he was kissing and licking on the side of her neck as she squirmed around in her seat.

She didn't have much movement as he had her pinned against the window and wrapped his arm around her waist to hold her steady and close
"Honey, your parents and brothers are mere feet away, they'll hear you."

He stopped momentarily, looked into her eyes and smiled. "You know I can't resist you my lovely lady, but if you so insist I'll stop." He said as he was pulling away but she grabs his arm

"I didn't say stop, but I just didn't want your family to hear."

"That'll be okay, I won't do too much on the plane, however when we get back home it'll be a different story."

"Will your parents and brothers be staying with us?"

"No, my dad already has a place for my brothers to stay and mom and dad are going to a hotel."

"Well in that case, I guess we could have sex before we go see my parents." She said as he smirked and held her hand

"I hope they won't suspect anything when they see you walking a bit funny."

"I hope not either or at least my walk isn't too noticeable." She said as random popcorn landed in Evan's lap followed by giggles

He didn't have to guess who or where it came from as he turned around and the twins had sneaky grins on their faces. "Sorry bro, we were watching a movie and got carried away." Lucas said as Evan threw the popcorn back at him

"Yeah whatever just keep your snacks away from me."

"Hey Evan you mind getting us something to drink?" Mason asked

"Yes I do mind, there's nothing wrong with your feet and you two are older than me go get your own drinks."

"Yeah but dad has all the good stuff for himself and won't share, but if you go back there and get a few beers he won't say anything."

"Please Evan, we promise we won't ask you again. We just want one good cold one." Lucas pleaded

"Alright, alright I'll get the beers only because I want one too." Evan said getting up and heading to the back

"What are you doing?" Sebastian asked Evan as he was about to open the mini fridge

"I hope you don't mind if I get a drink, I'm getting a little thirsty."

"Yeah that's fine." He said as he went back to looking at his phone while Evan began to get the drinks
"Why are you getting all of those for? Are you trying to get hammered before we land?"

"No, this is for the twins. I can't come back with just one then they'll get jealous."

"They're twins, they can share one." Sebastian said as Trinity nudged him

"Dad come on, when we land in Italy you can buy more beer."

"Fine, but I'm not giving out anymore." He said as Evan got the beer and started walking back.

"Alright here you two go and you better enjoy because dad said no more."

"Unless mom gets ahold of him then it's a free for all." Mason joked as Lucas snickered

"No kidding." Lucas said as Evan sat back down and cracked open the beer

"Wound you like to have a sip?" He asked Sarai

"No honey, you know I can't drink."

"It's just a sip, it won't hurt." He said as she leaned forward, took a small sip and was about to gag

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