Chapter 127: The History

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"Ok you two, you can finally have your break." Silvio said as the twins collapsed on the couch as soon as they were near it.

The both of them were drenched in sweat and already Lucas had a forming black eye as he took the punishment for Mason.

Mason openly refused to do what Silvio instructed him to do and instead Lucas jumped in and said that he was the one that talked Mason out of doing it.

Lucas took the beating for him as Mason sadly watched with heavy guilt as it pained him to see Lucas go through this.

"I'll give you boys ten minutes to get yourself together and then we start all over again."

"Ten minutes!?" Mason exclaimed

"Yes, ten. That's all you need."

"What do you get out of this? Are you a sadist deep down inside?"

"Sure, I guess you could say that."

"But why? Why are you like this?" Mason asked

"Well, for starters I went into the army at sixteen because my father, your great grandfather, Angelo Moretti, was an abusive drunk. Of course back then there wasn't such a thing as child abuse and he took great liberties with that. The only reason he targeted me was because naturally I was smaller than him which meant in his eyes I was weaker.
Sal got me a fake ID made and off to the military I went, and I even became a lieutenant I was so good. At a young age I was trained to be a killing machine and anyone not on my side is the enemy. War is ugly and life is even uglier. It's not easy nor is it meant to be."

"What did your dad say when he found out you joined?" Lucas asked

"He said I wouldn't last a week and then I told him that he'll eat those words and then I called him an evil prick, and why did I do that for? That bastard smashed his beer bottle on my face, I had an eight inch long cut from the bottom of my temple to my upper lip. It took thirty seven stitches to close the wound, and that was two days before I had to leave.
So on my enlistment photo, I already looked like I been through a war, a nasty black eye, half my face was swollen and stitched up with bruising all over my arms and neck.
But I didn't let that stop me, yes I was scared shitless. I've never been away from home before, nor have I used a gun or thought about killing anyone.
I constantly wrote Sal begging him to please come get me whenever I would get lonely or things would be too hard, he told me to tough it out some more, and he didn't want me getting beat on anymore."

"Did he ever try to hit you again?"

"Unfortunately yes, but it was short lived. He tried it when I came home and thought I was still the same little boy but he quickly realized that I wasn't and he finally left me alone. So now you both understand me a bit better and why I'm the way I am. I went through literal hell and here you two are have everything handed to you, you complain that it's hard and you can't do it, and it infuriates me. I know you both can succeed if you would just push yourself a little bit more than what you're doing, the both of you can make it."

"I'm surprised your parents let you come over, I think they're starting to enjoy an empty house again

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"I'm surprised your parents let you come over, I think they're starting to enjoy an empty house again." Chris teased as he and Amelia came back from the grocery store as he set the bags down on the counter

"Possibly, also my dad said he wants you to have dinner with us so he can have a talk."

"Ok, just let me know and I'll be ready. But in the meantime, what would you like to have to eat?" He asked while taking the food out of the bags

"I was actually thinking about maybe I could cook for us instead."

"You wanna cook?"

"Yes, can't a girl cook for her man every once in a while." She said as he stepped back

"Alright, I won't fight you over anything. You cook whatever you want, I don't mind."

She smiled and kissed him, "Thank you."

"Anytime sweet cakes." He smiled as he lightly squeezed her butt

"I bet you'd like to try some of my sweet cake."

"You certainly aren't making it any easier for me when you have those booty shorts on."

"I wear them because I know you love to look at my butt." She giggled

"I certainly do, I would be lying if I said it doesn't give me dreams." He said as he went to go sit on the couch

She went over and sat down in his lap, straddling him as he was a bit surprised by her behavior. "Are you okay?" He asked as she put her arms around his neck

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you're acting a bit weird, am I sending you mixed signals?"

"No, I just figured you'd want me and maybe I could stop thinking about having sex with you all the time. So why not just get it over with." She said as she unbuttoned her shorts as he put his hand on top of hers to stop her

"Okay, we have sex then what?" He asked as she shrugged

"I don't know, isn't this what you want?"

"I'd love to demolish this sweet ass of yours but what do you want? At the end of the day this is all up to you and what makes you comfortable, what good would it do me if you don't enjoy it as well."

"But what if I never enjoy it? You for damn sure won't be with me anymore if I don't give you any sex. I know you want it and I want you to be happy with me."

"Listen to me, I'm not asking for any sex from you. I know you feel the knot in my pants from how you're sitting on me and you keep bouncing your booty on my dick, I understand many of days I will have blue balls because I won't get anything from you and I accept that because I know in the end it will all be worth it.
I won't be some sleazy boyfriend that only wants sex when I get horny and doesn't consider your feelings and mental state. I want it to come naturally, I want you to know that when I touch you it's not me signaling for sex all the time, but that I do love you and I want you to know that."

"I do like the way you touch me, it makes me feel warm and safe, like nobody can hurt me." She smiled as she nuzzled up to him and placed his arms around her body and lightly he gave her a squeeze

"That's it just like that, I wish I could stay like this forever."

"Me too, I love you dearly and I want you to know that."

What do you think of Silvio's backstory, would you like to know more in the future?

Were you expecting his father to be very abusive?

Also, could Amelia be ready to go to the next level with Chris or is this a defense mechanism to keep from being hurt?

Is she really ready? Or will she need more time?

I appreciate you all for coming back and reading this chapter and I hope you've enjoyed.

Let me know what you think and I'll catch you all on the next update and as always be breezy,

Tied to the Don [BWWM]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora