Chapter 108: The New Don

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"Everything alright pop?" Lucas asked Sebastian worriedly

"Yeah, you called us in here to see you, you said it was an emergency." Mason added as Sebastian motioned for them to have a seat

"You know boys, there comes a time in every man's life that he must deal with reality and mines is that it's time for me to retire."

"No dad, you can't. You're obsessed with working, besides if you retire who's going to run the business?" Mason asked

"That's where you two step in. I know I've never officially named you two as my successors but I depend on you two because you are my eldest and have spent the most time with me, learning the ends and outs of the business. I'm confident in you two carrying on the Moretti legacy."

"But we'll still need your guidance." Lucas said

"For now I'm not fully retiring just yet, but more so slowly but surely easing away and letting you two take over. I will lend my advice when need be and of course I'll oversee everything you do for awhile, then I'll step back and see what you two can do on your own, then I'll only be included in the important things such as big shipments coming in, new deals being made and ultimately sending out hits to our enemies."

"Why now?" Mason asked

"I've been working nonstop for over thirty years now. I miss my wife, although she hasn't gone anywhere, I miss how we once were closer to each other. I missed out on countless vacations and even if I did go on them I was always working. It's the little fun things Trin wanted to do with me that I would normally blow off because I was so focused on work, thank goodness she never got so upset about it that she left me, I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm in my late fifties now, I want to enjoy my life and my beautiful wife as much as I can."

"We get that, and I'm sure mom would love to have you with her more and take some fun trips somewhere together." Lucas said

"So, starting tomorrow I'm taking you boys along with me to show you the ropes and how things are done. Again, I have full confidence in both of you and I know you will do well, but just remember to always be true to yourself. I don't want you boys to in anyway think you have to act, talk or be like me. I want you to be Lucas and Mason. You'll make me proud regardless, but you two need to be authentically you."

"What a surprise you're here, I would've assumed you'd be somewhere else." Trin said as she was chopping up vegetables

"I know, I somewhat quit my job today." He said as she stopped and looked at him

"What do you mean you quit your job?"

"I'm giving it up, well most of it, I'm ready to be home with you." He said as she smiled

"You serious?"

"I am, I've been doing this for thirty years now and you've been by my side for a majority of it. You're a wonderful woman, had all five of our beautiful children, raised them, took care of the house while I was gone for a large portion of it all. I thank you for still standing by my side and it's time I step back and let the boys take over so I can really love you like I want to and should be."

"Well honey I certainly have no complaints about that, I can't wait for us to spend some time together." She said as he kissed her lips

"Great, tomorrow I'm taking the boys with me and show them around."

"Will you eventually include all of them?"

"I will, but right now I want the twins to get a good understanding first before I even consider Evan or Landon. Besides, Landon should be concerned about college."

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