Chapter 115: Potential

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"Hey mom would it be alright if I go out with a friend later on?" Amelia asked Trinity as she was reorganizing the kitchen cabinets

"Sure, where are you and Kelly heading off to?"

"Uhm well, it's another friend of mine and we were gonna head out to Myrtle Beach."

"Amelia, don't tell me you've befriended those girls again."

"No, no of course not." Amelia insisted "I wouldn't dream of getting back friends with any of them again."

"Good, so which friend is it?" Trinity asked as she momentarily looked into Amelia's eyes and couldn't help but smile
"Okay so you got yourself a little boyfriend, I'm assuming you two have been talking for awhile."

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Amelia, I'm forty two years old, I've been married for twenty one years and I have five kids, to much of nothing gets past me when it comes to my children and most definitely having a boyfriend is no exception."

"Alright, so I'm seeing someone, but it's not serious though."

"And why not?"

"Because I don't want my bodyguard brothers or daddy to scare him off, plus if things don't work out I don't want there to be an awkwardness with each other or daddy will feel obligated to hurt him because things didn't work."

"Well I don't know how long the secret will last, you know they're nosy about everything you do and soon Sebastian will realize what's going on and will really be on you." Trinity said as Amelia sighed

"I know, it's hard being the only girl sometimes."

"It will be getting better with time, trust me. You're in a rough spot now because you're young, naive and it doesn't help that you were raped in the past but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be happy and experience a relationship. I for one am glad you're starting to come out of your shell and get back to your normal shelf and meet new people. I'm in full support and I encourage you to date around, explore, that's something I personally wished I would've did, but it still worked out for me in the end."

"Thank you so much mom, you don't know how much this means to me."

"Absolutely, so who's the lucky guy? Tell me about him?" Trinity asked as Amelia smiled

"His name is Chris, he likes to paint, is a cat lover, which is a total plus for me, he's also half Italian and Brazilian and he loves to jet-ski."

"He sounds like a lot of fun. Where did you meet him?"

"He is very fun and really funny, and we've known each other for awhile but we started talking when we were in therapy. He witnessed his mother being raped by her ex and he ended up almost stabbing the man to death when he was fifteen."

"Oh my, that's awful. Good for him for trying to defend his mother."

"Yeah, the ex was a crazed stalker. They used to date when she was living in Brazil but she met Chris' dad, fell in love and moved here. Obviously he wasn't too thrilled about her leaving so he followed and made his move but unfortunately it didn't end well, but hey at least he's still alive, so he should be happy. But anyway, he's coming along very well and he's also helped me overcome some things as well."

"That's nice, he sounds like a good young man. Does he go to your old school or is he homeschooled as well?"

"He actually graduated already."

"Really? He must be pretty smart to graduate a year early, does he have any plans on what to do for his final year out of school? I'm sure his parents are super proud of him,"

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