Chapter 7: Welcome Home

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"That's it baby, push it!" Sebastian said while holding on to Trinity's hand as she was propped up on the delivery table, sweating profusely, in pain and most of all exhausted.

"I'm tired! I don't wanna push anymore!" She whined

"Baby you can't quit now, you have to keep going."

"Alright Mrs. Moretti I'm gonna need you to push on three; one, two, three!" The doctor said as Trinity pushed with all of her might while squeezing the dear life out of Sebastian's hand

"That's it Mrs. Moretti, the first one is almost out, give me one more good push." He said as she heavily pushed again and the sound of crying filled the room as she was relieved that she was almost done
"Last one and then it's all over."

"Come on baby you can do it." Sebastian encouraged as held on to her hand. She held on to him as she went to pushing again as hard as she could

"Congratulations! Baby number two has arrived!"

"Good job, babe!" Sebastian said as he kissed her sweaty forehead
"I told you, you could do it."

"I did and now I'm tired." She breathed heavily

"We'll get the babies all cleaned up and weighed and then we'll bring them back for you to see them, and again you did a great job today."

"Thank you doctor." She said as he left and the nurse was helping Trinity get cleaned up

"I'm so proud of you babe,"

"Thank you, I'm ready to go home now." She heavily sighed as Sebastian smiled and kissed her forehead

"You'll be home soon."

Later on Trinity had went to sleep while Sebastian would hold one of the twins at a time.

He called his parents and told them that Trinity had given birth and she was sleeping so she couldn't talk but they could come see the twins.

They walked in and looked down into the tiny baby bed as they couldn't help but smile. "Aw, they're so cute! They look just like you and Malcolm." Natalie said with a smile

"What's their names?" Salvatore asked

"Lucas Stefano and Mason Andrés Moretti."

"That's very nice, I can't wait to see them crawling around and get into everything." Natalie smiled

"We'll let you two have some time alone, and we'll head to the hotel, but if you need anything you let us know."

"Okay dad, I'll let Trin know you two stopped by." Sebastian said as his parents left the room.

A few moments later Lucas started whining and then Mason started. "Alright little buddy what's wrong?" Sebastian said as he picked Lucas up and Trin had just woken up herself

"They're probably hungry." She said sleepily as he brought Lucas to her and then got Mason and handed him to her next

"I hope they don't suck you flat chested."

"That would be impossible."

"Well in case they do, I'll give you a hundred grand to get them blown back up."

"What am I some kind of fun doll to you?" She asked as he smiled

"Only at night, that's when I really have my fun."

"Well your fun will have to be put on hold for awhile until my body heals up."

"Translation, a lot of sleepless nights."

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