Chapter 53: Different Light

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Two years later

Evan sat in the backseat with Amelia as he played around with her, making her giggle. He had a doctor's appointment that day so he was all for leaving school early

"I hope this trip to Texas is well worth it because if not I just may shoot that fucker in the head myself." Lorenzo said to Sebastian as Sebastian grinned

"I believe it'll be worth it and if not, then by all means do what you gotta do."

"Dada, I'm hungry." Amelia said as Sebastian pulled up in the back of a building

"Ok pumpkin, you'll have to wait a little bit, I'll pick you up a snack as soon as I'm done, ok."


"Evan, I want you to stay here with Amelia until your uncle and I get back."


"Alright, you stay put and don't open the door for anyone." He said as he and Lorenzo got out of the car, walked over to the building and went in through the door

"Evan, show me the magic trick again." Amelia asked excitingly as Evan went to show her the magic trick again

She was so enamored and was trying to guess what exactly did he do that she kept looking around and on the floor. "You got me again." She smiled

"One day you'll figure it out."

"Will you teach me?"

"Sure, when you get older I'll teach you all of my tricks." He said as she brightly smiled

"Yay! Then I can do magic like you."

A few minutes go by as Evan looks out the window to see if Sebastian and Lorenzo were coming back as he too was getting a little hungry

"Hey Amelia, I'll be right back." He said taking his seatbelt off as Amelia looks over at him strangely

"Where you going?"

"I'm just gonna peep inside and see what's taking so long."

"But dada said we have to stay here."

"I know but, I'm ready to go home and I want some food, aren't you hungry?"

"Yeah I am hungry."

"Ok then, I'm just gonna let dad know that we're really hungry and then maybe he'll come back and take us home."

"Hurry back."

"I will and don't get out of your seat, I promise I'll be right back." He said opening up the door and closing it as he walked over towards the building and went through the door

The hallway was dimly lit as it only had one light up above. Boxes filled with different items stacked up on top of each other and large crates up against a concrete wall

"So you're telling me that you don't have any of my money?" Sebastian said as Evan quietly went walking down the hallway to find Sebastian

"Please Mr. Moretti, I'll give you whatever you want." A woman begged as Sebastian was growing tired of the excuses, and begging

"Lorenzo, shut that bitch up." He ordered as Lorenzo grabbed the woman by the hair and placed a gun to her head

"No! No! Please! Don't shoot her!"

"It's real simple, you give me my money or the bitch dies, what's it gonna be?"

"But, but I can't give you any money right now."

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